Odd stuff

I'd like to run with that line but I heard last night that there is the slimmest of chances that I might make it to heaven and I'm working on it.

Deacon get a 18 inch piece of 4in pvc and glue a cap on one end leave the cap unglued on the other end,take a lamp bulb holder and put in the unglued end.A 15watt light bulb will keep them dry.H.D.
This is a box I bought from the home depot that had been opened. I can get them to burn now but not well. I think someone brought them back and they just stuck them back on the shelf. Not sure if that is the only thing wrong on not but they sure do burn terrible.

The light bulb reminds me of my dad and his fishing cabin. He kept a 60 watt light bulb in his pump house to keep the pump from freezing. I always thought that was a good idea. It was before heat tape of course.

Ever notice that almost all kitchen sinks are against an outside wall. Lots of them have pipe freeze down here. Lots of older houses and apartments had no insulation in the walls so the pipes freeze. I thought that would be a good idea for those cabinets as well.
Speaking of odd stuff come about spring when the house flies return. If it should land on your computer monitor you can distract it with the mouse curser by moving it in a tight area right in front of the fly. They have one track minds . It will be busy looking at the screen when ya just thump it off. The darn thing will never see it coming!
ever notice when guys buy things that require assembly , they always come with extra screws . why is that ?

Cause it's probably made in China. Ever try to torque down a screw made in China? 50% or greater chance the screw driver slots will strip or the head will twist off. 90% chance if the screw is made of brass.

Designed failure or obsolecence is the key to keeping factories busy. Gawd I miss the old days when things lasted forever, or could be repaired easily.