OCC StingRay Build

Those really are gorgeous bikes no doubt.

yes yes they are. I'm glad to be legal on it now, It's eye catching and it's just a matter of time before the po po here take a look and decide to pull me over.

well, I typed that up earlier and I went on a cruise through town to see how the tire would hold up among other htigns like just wanting to cruise through town lol.

So on my way home I pulled down a side street that has a wicked downhill perfect for laying on the speed only this time through there is construction, with a po po flagger (can't wait for there to be civilian flaggers like every other state). I look for an alternate route but there is no way out and the cop sees me and starts to wave me through. Then he waves me over to the side...D@mn I'm thinking. He waves the car behind me on and starts the questions. First one out is "How old are you?" When I tell hime 31, wait no I just hada birthday in september and I'm 32. he says,"No sh1t, really." I tell him every year it gets harder and harder to cope with. We share a chuckle. He questions me about the engine , style of moped etc. I tell him I got the engine on eBay. He seems pretty impressed.

AS I leave s me my light isn't compliant and that I should get a new one, so I guess that if I'm gong to ride at night, which i do intend to do, that I'll be updating that asap.
Get the better light for you, unless cops are a lot worse there, he was just picking a nit.
that thing looks so amazing! i hope the motor is strong enough for it, i've thought about putting a pocket bike motor on one of those things... fun!
Get the better light for you, unless cops are a lot worse there, he was just picking a nit.

It's been my intent all along to get a much better light set up, I'm really unhappy with this blackburn light. It gives good visibility for cars but not so much for me, since I like to travel on the less traveled and less lit roads in the evening I need to see well. The 12 led flashlight that I had on the MadWagon was great, but not compliant either. The only issue is where do I hide the battery? there isn't a lot of room on this bike. I'm thinking under the front part of the seat...

Deacon, I suspect he didn't care too much about the light, he was just pointing it out, had he wanted to he would have written me a citation right there, but I think he thought the bike was pretty cool. (^) I've had no issues with the officers around here, I just like to be legal so I don't have to deal with them on the matter of my bike. Matter of fact those I've had to deal with (car accident in front of my house, some drunk and disorderly calls lol not me) have been pretty nice and decent people. When they find decent people like myself living in an area of town being gentrified they like to keep us happy.

mechanickid- That little chengine has plenty of oomph for this bike. With the 48 tooth sprocket it drives the bike up to 30 mph no problem and could cruise around 20 to 25 mph all day. It has plenty of hill climbing capability too. I took it up a couple of moderate hills and it cruised right up them at 20mph. I'm not the sort who believes to heavily in being gentle during break in, so I run it mostly gentle with a few WOT sessions, and flexibility in my throttle. I've opened it up a few times here and there.

I plan on taking it for an early AM run through town tomorrow AM and seeing how things go. Ill hopefully get some good pics. If this turd of a camera I bought doesn't get tossed into the ocean. Who ever heard of a modern digi cam not having image stabilization... wtf?

I took some sundown pics at the beach.


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If I rode a bike at night I would have to get a trailer to carry the battery for the light I would need. My eyes are crap in the dark. Not only that useless as well.

You know that is an idea. Build a full blown electical system, then just tow the battery pack behind you lol With a little generator to recharge the battery of course. Run the generator off the wheel of the trailer lol. Getting more and more rube goldberg as I go. Heck you could even add a capichino (see i can't een spell those fancy words) maker.
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lol. yeah that's the issue- battery size, I've seen some small motorcycle batteries but for longevity and due to lack of charging... I'll need something bigger...
How about those old fashioned generator lights. I would need a headlight from a ford as bad as my eyes are.
I wish but to be up to specs I need something a little more heavy duty, ie something from a motorcycle or a car. I'm gonna need 12v of power for that... Not happy about it but its got to happen. If it were up to me I'd run 2 12 led flashlights on the front... But I've go to do wht the law says and get real lights on it...

I'm going to go to wally world and see what they have there for fog lights and small 12v batteries. Price it out see how much I need to save and how long i'm going to be off the bike at night. lol :-{

This is the first day we've had here that feels like fall. Cold, with wind and the house is chilly had to fire up the pellet stove this AM. Froze my face off when I was out on my ride. It almost feels like snow. sweet j35us I hope not. It's too early....
I wear a ski hood in the winter... Looks like im making a getaway from the local mini mart
I used the stock gas tank, painted with high temp flat black paint. The paint matches the bike so it doesn't stand out too bad. I'd like to swamp it out for a honda qa50 tank. I have one on another build and it would look awesome with this bike. (also flat black with maybe some metallic ghost flames...)

I chose to position my engine where i Like how it looked the best, slightly forward, centered and with the carb level. I used the tensioner for my build but I've got it hidden on the underside. I also painted that and the wheel flat black. It's barely visible and hardly noticeable. I'd like to eliminate it, and could because of barry's mount, but I' d have to slide the engine back and change the level of the engine, ie tip it back or forward or... To me the engine is perfect where it's at.

I'm going to say it: To me the way this bike looks is important. I don't care what other people think, but i like walking up to it and thinking, "damn that's a fine machine I built right there." Also I want to have the most bad @ss moped around and having a motored bike that looks cool is good for promoting this hobby. I'd love to have someone ask me about it and then see them on their own build later.

Even my WW madwagon bike I like how that looks, the simplicity of the design and how it works. I've had quite a few people take a look at that bike in awe of it. Next step with that is to paint the engine and engine mount flat black....
My OCC does not have a front brake, it has the fold down foot rests. Did your bike come with the front brake or did you add it?

You bike looks good, I hope my bikes turn out as nice.
My OCC does not have a front brake, it has the fold down foot rests. Did your bike come with the front brake or did you add it?

You bike looks good, I hope my bikes turn out as nice.

mine came with the front brakes no foot pegs... Which do you have the stretch or spoiler?

Thanks man. glad you like how it looks.
yeah i did used barry's mount and by using it i"m able to perfectly tweak the location of my engine. barry's mount if pretty darn near perfect for mounting.