OCC StingRay Build

Hey evertone, I purchased a mount and muffler from Barry.He is an awsome guy and makes great products! I just thought I would let everyone know. His custom pipe is load!!!!!!!!!!! But its cool as all get out!.wee.
I also have an OCC stingray. I won first place in the chopper class at orange county choppers at a car / bike show in august 2008 with it. I got my exaust and mount from Barry also.
I Have 3 Of Those And 1 Little One (10" Wheels?) I Am Way To Large For Them, But They Are So Neat And I Bought Them Right. Ron
I got mine when they first came out. I put an engine on soon after. It seems like this project is never complete. there is always something else you wnat to do to it. It is always a work in progress. I really like comfortableshoes occ chopper. I like how it is all black. really nice
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It's been a long time since I posted anything to this forum. It's also been a long time since I've had my chopper on the road. It has been sitting in my garage collecting dust for the last few years. I was driving 1 hour to work and 1 hour home. Sitting in I95 traffic in MA in a stressful thing. Then I got another promotion and it just seemed there was never time for my bike. I had other things I had to do, you know, like mow the lawn and paint the garage. Well, a few months back I realized I was killing myself with the 10 hours of highway driving and stressful work and bad food I was eating so I said screw it and quit and applied for grad school. No plan, just threw my hands up and said enough. I got tired of killing myself helping some rich dude I've met once get super rich which all I did was get fat and sit in traffic.

How about that. Now I've got lots of time but no money. rofl. ahhaahha

This weekend I cleaned out the garage so I could get at one of the bikes, toss out some junk, after I was done cleaning, I just looked at my old chopper and my weedwacker bike and I want to RIDE them again. Of course the whole point of getting at one of the bikes was dealing with a side effect of eating garbage food and sitting in a car for 10+ hours a week- I got even fatter than I was before. (I told you the job was killing me.)

Anyway, I've got this old TREK 800 from the early 90s that I was planning on putting a weedwacker engine on and that Chinese engine on that chopper is looking like it would fit on there pretty perfectly. Then there is this old barrel shaped gas tank I picked up off ebay and painted flat black. I'm pretty sure this is how all builds start, sitting staring at an engine and a bike and figuring out how it would look and run.

as much as I hate the idea of breaking down the chopper, it's just not practical for me now, I need something more upright and that I can downshift to get the thing started. I love this bike but need to be practical as well, we're down to one car and I need a bike I can easily ride to the grocery store and get around town to get errands done. I've been really tempted to sell the while thing and get a "regular" moped. But darn it, I like the tinkering and grease. Plus that Trek has been staring at me for 3 years begging for an engine.

It's going to take me the majority of the summer to get all the parts I need, since I'm basically raising money by binding and making sketchbooks, journals as well as teaching. Plus paying my regular bills. The eventual goal is to get a SBP shifter kit mounted on that TREK. Yup.

Oh the TREK? That's all black except for the trek logo, I sanded off some graphics and painted it all black. I've got a thing for flat black.

I'll have to start a thread on that build.
comfortableshoes, I love this Hobby / Addiction I'm glad to hear that you've got the time to start working on Motorized Bicycles again, wish you had more resource's / cash flow to help you with your builds, who knows maybe you'll find a winning lottery ticket and have to much fun building Custom Motorized Bicycle's!

I found a build that either you or another motorized bicycle builder had started in another online motorized bicycle community, and this build is one of my favorite's for motorizing, it was an OCC Schwinn Stingray Chopper the Blue Link Limited Edition, instead of flamed decals, the decals are of metal chains. Another reason why this build intrigued me was that you or the builder used a Honda Mini Trail 50 engine.

Don't remember if you were building this, or you had posted to the builders thread.

Anyway, welcome back to Motorbicycling.com.

Peace Crazy Horse.
That blue chopper was my build. Without access to a welder it was a no go. I needed to fabricate a mount for it and weld that to the frame plus add some supports to the frame. Just not gonna happen in my garage. I scraped that build and decided to go with the black frame and build. Which worked out pretty sweet.

That Honda PA50 tank hold about a gallon, with that much in the tank you could do a pretty long tour. I'm considering it for my current build but I don't think it'll work on the TREK. I really want to use the barrel tank I found and bought a few years ago. It only holds about a liter of gas. Enough to get me around.

I'm going to the RMV with my paperwork to see if I can get it registered next week, if I can't I'll have to figure out a new build. The MadWagon I have can simply be renewed, which would save some headache.
Here's a couple pictures of the build that comfortableshoes, had started, and it's the bike we were talking about.

He was going to use this type / style Honda SS50 chinese clone pitbike engine, although it requires removing the seat down tube, and adding / reinforcing to the bottom bracket and rear triangle, since these engines weigh 30lbs...

Fantastic paint job / design on gas tank!!!



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    Schwinn Link Limited Edition Chopper Pitbike Engine_01.jpg
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  • Schwinn Link Limited Edition Chopper Pitbike Engine_02.jpg
    Schwinn Link Limited Edition Chopper Pitbike Engine_02.jpg
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BTW If anyone is interested in picking up where I left off, I'll give them the frame so long as they promise to post pics of the build. Frame only though, I'm considering the forks for another build, and obv I'm keeping that tank. :P Any takers will have to pick up. PM if interested.