It's been a long time since I posted anything to this forum. It's also been a long time since I've had my chopper on the road. It has been sitting in my garage collecting dust for the last few years. I was driving 1 hour to work and 1 hour home. Sitting in I95 traffic in MA in a stressful thing. Then I got another promotion and it just seemed there was never time for my bike. I had other things I had to do, you know, like mow the lawn and paint the garage. Well, a few months back I realized I was killing myself with the 10 hours of highway driving and stressful work and bad food I was eating so I said screw it and quit and applied for grad school. No plan, just threw my hands up and said enough. I got tired of killing myself helping some rich dude I've met once get super rich which all I did was get fat and sit in traffic.
How about that. Now I've got lots of time but no money. rofl. ahhaahha
This weekend I cleaned out the garage so I could get at one of the bikes, toss out some junk, after I was done cleaning, I just looked at my old chopper and my weedwacker bike and I want to RIDE them again. Of course the whole point of getting at one of the bikes was dealing with a side effect of eating garbage food and sitting in a car for 10+ hours a week- I got even fatter than I was before. (I told you the job was killing me.)
Anyway, I've got this old TREK 800 from the early 90s that I was planning on putting a weedwacker engine on and that Chinese engine on that chopper is looking like it would fit on there pretty perfectly. Then there is this old barrel shaped gas tank I picked up off ebay and painted flat black. I'm pretty sure this is how all builds start, sitting staring at an engine and a bike and figuring out how it would look and run.
as much as I hate the idea of breaking down the chopper, it's just not practical for me now, I need something more upright and that I can downshift to get the thing started. I love this bike but need to be practical as well, we're down to one car and I need a bike I can easily ride to the grocery store and get around town to get errands done. I've been really tempted to sell the while thing and get a "regular" moped. But darn it, I like the tinkering and grease. Plus that Trek has been staring at me for 3 years begging for an engine.
It's going to take me the majority of the summer to get all the parts I need, since I'm basically raising money by binding and making sketchbooks, journals as well as teaching. Plus paying my regular bills. The eventual goal is to get a SBP shifter kit mounted on that TREK. Yup.
Oh the TREK? That's all black except for the trek logo, I sanded off some graphics and painted it all black. I've got a thing for flat black.
I'll have to start a thread on that build.