Occ full suspension heart transplant

I'm liking that suspension, terron. I have thought about doing something similar, with the spring on the bottom, but just haven't been able to justify all of the effor yet.
well I can tell ya if ya wanna just jump into doing it this way it is a lot easier then the other setup I had, would have saved me a lot of time if i would have done it like this first, but the seat also needed revamped it will work well though so all is good.
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Ok so this is what we have got for the finished frame work, I still need to pretty up some spots, today when I get home I should get the motor mounts welded up. Tell me what you think. Yeah as some other guys pointed out the wall of diapers, my daughter was born last thursday, so yes I have a ton of friggin diapers.


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congrats on the little one !!! (^)
little girls rule...
a fact my daughter and 2 granddaughters never let me forget ;)
Ok, so either later today or tomorrow I will post pics of the bike. Lucky day at the rummage store and I got the reinforcements that I was looking for, a trailer tie down! It fit right into the slot where the seat post used to be like it was made for it, that outta keep the 110 tied down. A few more reinforcements on the softail, and she'll finally see paint again. I intend to outdue my last paint job so it should be sweet. My theme is Damascus Steel in raindrop pattern. I'll keep my thoeries of how to pull it off for myself first, will share technique if it works.


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Ok so reinforcements are in place now all exept the lower connection on the rear end if its nice I'll finish that today, the actual mounts arent in yet and the tank is just mocked up very far from finished but it is moving along a little now


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That looks like a pretty tight fit, but looking good. Are you using electric start or just the kick start?
looking good but u really needed to center your countershaft with thhe center of the swingarm pivot so you dont have any chain tention issues where you score the tank?
Kick only, thanks for the info, I can pull that off with a slight chain deversion though right? Tank lol, its a 10 dollar stainless steel kitchen sink. My welder won't do the job and I dont wanna mess with those fumes so I am going to try something with epoxy, I'll let you all know how/if it works out. But all I did was cut two corner peices out of the bottom of the sink tub and stick em together so far.
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O and those of you worried about the strength in the rear end, the tubes are just something I used to tac it and test it it will be finished with steel plate cut to shape and welded up just like the top part is now.
thats is not correct, Stainless steel has toxic fumes like galvinized when arc'd on I've had metal fume fever from from it. Not something I'll ever do again bet yer arse.
that was followed by the worst sinus infection I ever had, and a week of constant headaches. That was one teeny lil puff I saw it come in my mask to little to late.
Hexavalent chromium materials are used in many jobs, but three jobs in particular involve frequent and or heavy chromium exposure. These jobs are

[1] spraying and cladd welding anti-corrosion coatings,
[2] welding / grinding and cutting stainless steel, and
[3] chrome plating.
This is pulled right out of welding safety handbook.
That is correct. Any welding fumes are not good for you, but ss is some really bad stuff. I'm just waiting to see what OSHA regulations are going to change to after more info has come out from HEX Chrome.
I'll tell ya not fun to recover from, Plus I did extra research and I had a mild issue some people end up with serious life threatening stuff, just cutting and grinding on it ya should be careful.
.shft.Is that a shock fork I see on your triple tree. I didn't think those bikes came that way. Is it custom like your rear suspension? I would like to do a rear swing arm if I build another bike. I know I can get launched off my seat on if I hit bumps to fast. Nobody has ever said the streets in Billings Mt are smooth! As soon as I figure out where I can get a 24x4 tire and wheel to accept a 7 speed derailer without chain/tire interferance issues I will get more serious about that build. I don't want to build something I have to put plates on. I dont know if I could get away with the motor/trans you are using.
LoL, thats awesome I was just checking out that chopper in another thread! Um the trip did not come that way it is another custom works very well but I had to add a box brace to the forks to keep it solid. The rear end is also going to get another swing arm on each side of the present one.

Man, I hear you! I hit a few potholes on my bike before it ever had a motor. 1 sometimes you get launched, or worse you get the tail bone slam of DOOM. I could hardly walk for almost a week once.

I can't get away with this either. I have to get a certificate of origin for the bike, so I have to keep all reciepts and pics to document the process, to show its not someone chopping up a stolen motorbike or what have ya. Then it has to be licensed and insured like a small scooter/moped.
Here is what she looked like before I decided to upgrade

oops almost forgot my favorite part


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