New to this, so a few questions

Dr. Explodey

New Member
Hi. Been lurking a long time, finding lots of answers about issues I had (like sputtering).

So background, my motor is a basic Chinese two stroke 49cc (prolly a lot of folks first, right?)

Anyway, I've noticed that going up hill, it really has no power and becomes more like "motor assisted pedaling", anyone else find that?

Second question. I've been using Trufuel lately. No ethanol and it seems to give me more speed.

Anyone else use it? Thoughts?
Welcome to the forum, I too run the 48cc engine on a couple of my bikes. The best power improvement for me was a expansion chamber. The longer head pipe improved low to mid range power a lot.
I've only used trufuel once, I helped a friend build his bike and he had bought the fuel from Lowe's.
It bogs uphill because it's not a motorcycle. It's a heavy bike with an underpowered engine, and may or may not have a heavy rider on it.

The 49cc kit is the weakest of all, at what, 1.5hp? 70's mopeds with the same hp(and twice the weight) struggled with hills.

Even the stock 66cc will bog uphill.

A bigger rear sprocket will help, but it'll be slower on the flats.

You'll need to setup your bike for the type of terrain you're riding. If you live around a lot of hills, you need more torque to get up them.