New to this hobby

I hope you enjoy our Party Line conversational style dusan. By my reckoning Steve originated the style on this forum. Mostly guys who lived their lives and found a way to live on, thinking and doing, and making the neighbors think WTF?
There is an amazing group of master builders here. All will chip in, Not quite the band of brothers you served with.
Your telling of how your dad loved you with an open hand speaks to his confidence in you. My dad did too.
Hang in there buddy.
Dusan, anything you need a reference to ask Curt. As long as he is kicking he is the reference librarian. The dude can give you a link to threads I didn't know existed. Mr.B is Kirk from Dubuque, Iowa. He just sent us a video of the annual Scare Crow Ride a circuit on the flat prairieland of central Illinios.
Thank you both for the complments

While I love to tinker, I don't see myself doing much in the way of upgrades (the idea of going faster than 20 Miles per hour on a 14-year-old $100 K-Mart Bike does not appeal to me) but I do see myself in the future building a better bike now that I have a taste of the fun
Nice job. I guess I'm nuts. I say that, because I am currently putting a 212cc 4 stroke Predator engine on an aluminum bike with a built in gas tank. It is also going to have a Comet constant velocity transmission. I am going to have a lot of FUN.
Nice job. I guess I'm nuts. I say that, because I am currently putting a 212cc 4 stroke Predator engine on an aluminum bike with a built in gas tank. It is also going to have a Comet constant velocity transmission. I am going to have a lot of FUN.
Nuts? Nah, at your age, death wish. (^) Geared right, with that light frame you might clock 60 when yer hubs start smoking and seize. These bikes are like experimental aircraft and you are the test pilot. That keeps me humble.
Aluminum bike frames have a known tendency to break at the most annoying moments. There have been some close calls and some scary crashes recorded on here over the years.

Well we don't know where Wolfie lives so sending flowers will be problematic. These Chinese ( I have a niece in law) casting frames from reclaimed beer cans. Who wada thunk?
i am thinking about my next build being on one of these are they a big problem ? yes my next build will be full lazy mode possibly with a 4 stoke so I can build something more reliable for long range trips Put some front and rear cargo racks on to carry some camping gear and do a nice long trip yes i know i can do the same with a motorcycle but doing it on a bike seems like more fun


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i am thinking about my next build being on one of these are they a big problem ? yes my next build will be full lazy mode possibly with a 4 stoke so I can build something more reliable for long range trips Put some front and rear cargo racks on to carry some camping gear and do a nice long trip yes i know i can do the same with a motorcycle but doing it on a bike seems like more fun
That is the same as the one I'm building, except mine has spoked wheels. I plan on getting wheels like the ones on the one you are looking at though. If you plan on using a Comet or clone constant velocity transmission, you will need to get a #420 motorcycle chain. The #415 chain is not wide enough to mesh properly with the 10 tooth output sprocket on the CVT. So far that is the only issue I have had with this build. I am far from finished with it though. I don't expect any other problems, but you never know.
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That is the same as the one I'm building, except mine has spoked wheels. I plan on getting wheels like the ones on the one you are looking at though. If you plan on using a Comet or clone constant velocity transmission, you will need to get a #420 motorcycle chain. The #415 chain is not wide enough to mesh properly with the 10 tooth output sprocket on the CVT. So far that is the only issue I have had with this build. I am far from finished with it though. I don't expect any other problems, but you never know.
If you plan on putting that much load on it, I suggest that you use a CVT, because you will most likely fry any centrifugal clutch.
i was just looking at one of those Chinese 4 stoke kits and replacing the engine with something about the same size and power but a million times more trust worthy like a Honda CG160


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