I've got a Grube GT4 66cc and my squish went negativeThe piston actually hit the head and the thing wouldn't even turn over. Luckily I didn't try too hard. I'll add the second head gasket that came with the kit tomorrow and try again. Just an FYI!
Does sound like something isn't flat. Have you rode it a few times, cooled, torqued and heat cycled and torqued it again?
You can try the aluminum paint trick.
No, I really have no experience installing a head gasket. Is it expected to leak a bit until then? Heat cycled is the only term I am unfamiliar with above.
The symptoms which lead me to believe it is leaking are:
-Less power than before the new head
-Loud noise coming from the head under acceleration
-The SBP exhaust is much more quiet than before, like not as much air is being pushed through it
-On the left side of the engine I can see a small amount of oil leaking from between the gasket and the cylinder head.
-Lots more smoke than usual
Sound about right?