New Slant Heads for 80cc's: Compression Boost!?

Installed mine yesterday and boy does it make a difference :) I am having carb issues (running way too rich (bad float valve))but i can pull my 7th gear now (previously just bogged out) yay!! But when i installed it on my BGF motor the piston hit the head... so I installed another cylinder base gasket onto my motor (total base gaskets= 2), now no more issues! I notice a lot of torque at about ~2500rpm. For 12.95 you cant go wrong!! Pics below (slant head on left stock BGF on right).

I emailed zoombicycles about the new clant heads being out of stock:
-----Original Message-----
From: justin [mailto:*****]
Sent: March 20, 2009 8:28 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Zoombicycles: 80cc slant cyl cover

This is an enquiry e-mail via Zoombicycles Motor Bicycle Gas Engine Kits 80cc and 50cc Engine Kits, Parts, Service and Support from:
justin <[email protected]>

When will the 80cc slant cylinder cover be back in stock? I know of several people that would like to purchase this item. Thanks -Justin

-----Reply to Message-----
Hi Justin,

We will be receiving a shipment within a few weeks. The slant covers have been a hot seller recently, with a lot of people swapping out the standard heads.

Thanks for your inquiry!

Andrew G.

So just hang on guys theyll be back soon!!! -Justin


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i guess using the thinnest gasket you can find that will still provide enough room o that the cylinder doesn't hit the spark plug ?
Great, just when I thought I was done modifying my 80cc....

Anyone recommend a better/appropriate gasket for use with this?

I would order two cyl base gaskets: Zoombicycles Motor Bicycle Gas Engine Kits 80cc Cylinder Bottom End Gasket (A-7) | 10-Gaskets | 6-Parts and Accessories | RuiHong Enterprises Ltd., and one on their head gaskets: Zoombicycles Motor Bicycle Gas Engine Kits 80cc Head Gasket (A-3) | 10-Gaskets | 6-Parts and Accessories | RuiHong Enterprises Ltd.. I personnally have not used gaskets from them but i have only ever seen two versions of the base gasket and the only difference was the color and bolt hole diameters (same thickness). The head gaskets do come in different thicknesses, I bought my current head gasket from I bought an engine from zoombicycles about a week ago and it had the same thickness head gasket as the usabikemotors one, therefore i believe all of the gaskets can be bought from zoombicycles in addition to the slant cylinder head. :) -Justin

Can you post pics of the slant head with the spark plug installed? I think the spark is also more exposed to the fuel air mixture, making the spark a little bit more advanced than conventional heads. I think this also makes it more efficient and more consistent sparks inside the cylinder...

Maybe Jim of CE can make a better version of this angled spark plug head, and put it in his engines... :)


Can you post pics of the slant head with the spark plug installed? I think the spark is also more exposed to the fuel air mixture, making the spark a little bit more advanced than conventional heads. I think this also makes it more efficient and more consistent sparks inside the cylinder...

Maybe Jim of CE can make a better version of this angled spark plug head, and put it in his engines... :)


Brendan is out racing...As soon as he gets back I'll ask him about this. If it's beneficial I'll definitely incorporate it into the new engines.

just so you guys know. zoombicycles isnt the only dealer that sells these slant heads,
Cylinder Head (Part #2) - $9.99
u might want to ask them if its actually a slant head cause it dosent say but the pic is a slant head
and heres another site. they have 2 for the different grubee styles.
1-2B Gen II Angle Fire Head - $14.00 :, Star-Fire Motors and Parts

im sure theres other sites out there. only sells 49cc's and the only grubee with slant heads are the genII & genIIA which are 49cc's & 58cc's respectively. they only place i have seen them for the 67cc/80cc motors is zoombicycles hopefully more suppliers will have them soon. -Justin
I'm actually pretty excited about getting this now.......I'm on the to speak.