I took Lazarus out for a fifty mile ride this morning. I rode around town, went to the post office, visited the grand kids, went to the gas station and topped off the tank. Took a quart. I hit the Natchez Trace and just rode and enjoyed. No problems. I averaged 21 mph for the 50, wasn't in any hurry just enjoying the ride. Had an old guy( older than me) follow me to the post office and looked over the bike. He said that they should run a picture and article in the local paper. I guess he liked it. Traffic was light on the trace I saw maybe five cars. It just don't get any better than this! I do have one change that I am going to make. I have always laced the seat with bungee cord but since I didn't have any I decided to use rope. Not the most comfortable. So I am going to order some 3/8" bungee cord and relace the seat. With bungee cord it is almost like having a suspension bike.