New Member / Looking For Local Riders


New Member
Hello everyone, I am new to the site but have had my bike running for about 2 months. I have a 80cc two stroke chengine on a Schwinn Point Beach (pictures to posted later). These inexpensive engines are the best thing ever to happen to wheeled transportation, I use my bike to go to work and back everyday and the savings in gas has already almost payed for the engine. I was wondering if there are any riders in the Corpus Christi, Texas area that want to form a local riding club? I already have 3 other local riders/friends, and we get together on the weekends to go for rides. Please let me know if anyone is interested or if anyone has any experience with forming a riding club in their area.

Don't get frustrated, half the fun of these engines is working on/modifing them!!!
I live in C.C. You have a computer and a mb! wow! Well Welcome to The forum! Your in a great place! THE forum for MB'S. Tramp (c) Corpus Christi is 50 years behind the rest of the U.S. But going broke, companys dieing every day. It's sad.
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hey i heard your bike was slow just kidding bro. i finished the spoiler build well almost i need to stop by the muffler shop and have them tweak or build me a new exhaust. lets ride this week.trk