Jus tbought a new kustom kruiser roadster which I see is a popular choice. I have the motor mounted and I am still connecting all the little stuff. I had to get more chain because my bike is so long. They don't give you enough in the kit. I have an 80cc kit. I made custom motor mounts using variious size tubing cut in half, and industrial hose clamps. I wanted to stay away from drilling my frame. It mounted up very nice actually. I am going to step up to the 50 tooth rear sprocket because I am a 6'5" 320 lbs guy. It will be interesting to see how it works with me. I am going to put a three speed rear hub on the bike so I can help it up hills if necissary. I have been making a custom exhaust out of an old exhaust from my duc. I'll keep you posted and try to figure out how to load pics on here.