New Hobby

My wife's co-workers son is doing hard time for making fire works in a metal pipe for some biker friends. I think I will pass on that one.
Give me a roll of toilet paper and a stick of dynamite and I'll show you how to make a bomb. King of the Hill fans will get that one......................
I have a new hobby deacon, you may help if you wish, it will keep you busy and really broke (or more so than a china bike).

It's called "helping my daughter through college".
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Been there done that and didn't even get a thank you. Somehow they feel it was part of being a parent to take care of them all the way to the grave. But them my mom and dad did for me between wives.

I helped her through school then gave her hubby my business. They live in a quarter million dollar house and i live in a hovel lol...

That's life though I am where i want to be and they are where they want to be so we are all happy.
Well, I'm doing it on the "supplimental basis". That's where if and when I have extra money, I'll supply it. I want to help her as much as I can though as she is the youngest and only one to go to school after high scool.

I for one could never do it myself, so I'll help her all I can.
Its a good thing and probably will make a huge difference in her life if she does well and works hard. Education is a good thing, I didn't get nearly enough of it myself. If I had, I might have made something of my life.... Well I kinda like my life the way it turned out. I suppose I could have kept my nose to the grind stone instead of having so much fun. But in the end it's all rock and roll to me.

I don't regret what I did for my step daughter and her husband. When I am gone maybe once in a while they will remember me kindly lol. Probably not though since I also give them unwanted advice.
well forget the new hobby for a while. My weed whacker bike flew apart so I have to replace the engine or something. Oh well never a dull moment.
My Nana Flowers

When I was little and visiting my family in Mexico, I would love to go out in the garden with my Nana (Grandmother) and help her with here flowers and plants. Of course I really did not help any, more of just playing in the dirt.

There was these flowers that to me were huge, I had never seen flowers so big so they always caught my attention. The smell of the rose's the bee's buzzing around, the smell and feel of the dirt have been imprinted in my head. The voice of my Nana telling me what plant is good for headaches, stomach problems, what plant is good to make a paste and put on a wound. What plants and flowers make a excellent tea.

I will never forget her white & pink rose's that gave off such a aroma that you could smell them threw the kitchen window on those warm summer day's.

Unfortunately, my Nana passed away when I will still very young. To young to understand all that I had missed, to young to understand all the things she could have taught me. To young to remember to cherish every moment I did have with her. To young to remember a lot of memories of her, but what I do remember..... the Nana flowers as I called them back then and still do today.

A few years ago while I was in Mexico, I brought some Nana flowers and rose's home with me. After all these years her garden is still there and looks just as beautiful as it did as a child. The first thing I do when I go visit my family is to go look and walk in my Nana's garden.

Well, today my Nana flowers bloomed, and the aroma of her rose's are just as strong as ever. Every time I see or smell those flowers, I think of my Nana...... My Nana flowers


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