New Grubbee Skyhawk won't start


New Member
I have installed a brand new grubbee skyhawk 48cc 2 stoke on my bike. I mixed the gas and oil at 16/1. I get the bike up to speed and let the clutch slowly engage, and can hear the piston moving, but it never starts. The spark is great. When you adjust the throttle, the noise changes. It is very cold out and i did not use winter two-stroke oil.
After the motor cools down some check what the spark plug looks like.

hahaha what? cool what down? he says its really cold out and the motor wont run. a non-running motor doesnt generally create heat ;).

are you using the choke? for cold weather starts, i usually have to keep the choke on for a full 30 seconds, before turning it down to halfway. after a little while longer, i turn the choke completely off.
these little engines dont like extreme cold. takes a bit to get them going.
We found the problem, one of the wires he taped up came lose so no fire. Just got our second motor in today for another bike, now we both can ride together.
Actually if its cold enough you will never get it going, however this is prob not the case here, but could be. I have heard of places north of here where they leave motors running 24/7 for fear they won't start.
I have pulled the spark plug out and got the engine moving, there was plenty of spark. It is not heating up at all, but the plug feels like it has gas on it.
Check your wires. Plus maybe bring the bike inside to warm it up,then bring outside and it will have a better chance at starting up.
With a generous amount of starter fluid and warming of the bike, it started.I was getting some power out of it, and then it died.
It could be that the carburetor is set too rich. Have you played with the choke at various settings? You may find that a just slightly closed choke may work.
The float setting in the carb may be a bit too high, that would cause a rich low speed mixture as well.
Do not, I repeat, do not use too much starting fluid. The fluid has no lubrication in it that the engine requires.
I dought that the cold is the problem, if your still useing 16:1 i bet thats the prob drain the fuel and mix up 25:1 in sure it will be better.
How did it have spark, in MA, then a guy from LA says "we found the problem there was no spark"? Does anyone else hear keystone cops music ???
I sent it to a small engine mechanic, and he got it to start! He opened up the idle speed screw, and it started. He thinks the problem was not getting enough fuel, and he was wondering how to set the float and if there is a richness fuel adjust screw. Thanks
nope just the idle screw on the stock carbs and as far as setting the float i think you just bend that itty bitty tab under the bowl
Here's Norm's thread on these carburetors. It might be a bit different that your carburetor, but the float mechanism is the same. There are lots of pictures to get you familiar with the little beasts.
I also have a smilar problem. This is a new engine. It appears to be running rich. When I do get it going it runs for a few seconds but then quits as though no gas. However, in order to get it started again it acts rather like it is flooded. I remove the spark plug and it appears to be wet. I am not sure which mixture screws would regulate the fuel/air. The lower screw was screwed all the way in. The upper screw next to the choke chamber is opened only 1/2 turn. The paperwork says to open it 3 1/2 turns. It seems like it is almost ready to fall out at that setting. It does act as if the fuel is shut off when it quits. I have taken the carburetor apart and it all seems to be very clean. It should be because the kit is new. I guess my real question at this point is what should I be setting the two screws to? Thanks
ps. I am writing this as a reply because I can't see how to make a new post. sorry.
Welcome to the forum!
Try posting in "Introduce Yourself" section. You may get more help that way.

As for your carb issues, which carb do you have, NT or CNS?