New From Mississippi


New Member
I am a 21 year old aerospace engineering major at Mississippi State University in Starkville. I've ridden motorcycles since I was six and really wanted something cheap that I could use to get to school besides using my car (I live 3 miles from campus). I thought I had a good plan for what I wanted to build but I'm growing increasingly concerned that the State of Mississippi will require me to tag and insure my bike since there are not any laws that distinguish a "motorized bicycle" from a motorcycle. Has anyone had any experience with this?
Sorry about that but you wouldn't believe the number of spammers that try to dump their trash here. I think you need 3 posts before you can link pictures, etc.
Welcome RocketScientist to the best motorized bicycle forum on the net.

As Finfan says, you will need to make a few post before you can post any links, glad you joined us.
Welcome to the forum.
Of course, with a handle like RocketScientist, we are expecting your motor bike to easily achieve low earth orbit.
If you can't achieve that, maybe you can motorize a spaceliner.
Welcome to the best forum for info on motorized bicycles. I'm surprised you're from mississippi. I would have thought maybe the east coast of Florida or Houston TX.
My brother in law is one of the engineering deans at Miss State. Robert Anthony Green Phd. I think he is dean of engineering students.
He raced road bikes for a while but never tinkered with motorized things.
He's one of those guys that went to Miss State after high school and never left.
Good luck with the aero.
I live in the state an do not have a tag.I have a copy of the law here somewhere,i will pm it to you.If you guys want to get together sometime i have a cattle ranch at winona.About 20 miles from state.HD