My bike is complete it took 5 1/2 hours and went together with little problem. One of the main down tubes was larger in diameter than the motor mount. I had to file a 1/16 of an inch off each side of the tube which I was not crazy about but once I did that it all fit pretty well. The stock fender were too wide and I took them off. I have heard they can be a safety problem anyway. Once put together it started right up. The idle was way to high and I found an air leak at the carb / intake tube. I wrapped some plumbers teflon tape and reattached the carb and now. The idle settled down on the next road test. Lastly I took it for three short test rides. On the third I heard a "pop" sound and the rear tire got all fishy. I found I had poped the inter tube. At closer inspection the metal cord holding the tire to the rim separated created a bulge where the inner tube poked though. The tires were cracked mostly from sitting out side for a couple of years in the hot sun. I replaced both front and rear tubes and tires. The new once are Kevlar reinforced. They should work out better. In looking back maybe a new Walmart bike would have been a better choice. At any rate it runs well. The engine is not too loud. The gear and chain noise is louder. Anyone have a way to reduce that noise? I had it up to 28mph on a level road. I feel better keeping at 20 or lower for safeties sake. Tomorrow I'll try it again with the new tires, that may make a difference. At any rate 20 mph is plenty fast for me. All in all not a bad little project. I'll upload a picture of the finished project in a day or so.