New Build

1/2 mile?
New charger? Allready?

I thought I was bad at 2-3 rides a week, 8-10miles a ride...thanks.
Makes me not feel so bad.

Get out there and ride!
1/2 mile?
New charger? Allready?
I thought I was bad at 2-3 rides a week, 8-10miles a ride...thanks.
Makes me not feel so bad.
Get out there and ride!

Yeah. Well, someone that gave wonderful advice thru the whole process initially suggested some
lighter-weight (Lighter-watt) chargers. I appreciated the tip and bought two of 'em.

After I did, the guy did the math and said "Oops!" "Get a bigger charger for your application".

He's a smart guy. So I did that, too.

I'm lucky enough to have been in Italy for a month. Just getting back, I figured I'd wait for
the rain to stop (2", yay! We haven't had any in years, it seems).

So, the charger's coming today. I'll go 4.2v on a balanced charge. And then go for a ride.
Really nicely done build Mag! 99% of the population will never peg it as an Ebike its so well integrated. Has a really artsy European look about it. Cool!

I have taken to riding my packs to storage voltage, around 3.85v. That way when I'm done they just go on the shelf in the ammo box and I cycle the next two packs(I have 4 sets of 5ah) keeping them in constant rotation. The range is less but there is no charging back to storage voltage. Its also very easy on the packs.

Like LC said, ride it! With in certain parameters Ebiking is the only way to go. You are gonna like it!
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Yeah. Well, someone that gave wonderful advice thru the whole process initially suggested some
lighter-weight (Lighter-watt) chargers. I appreciated the tip and bought two of 'em.

After I did, the guy did the math and said "Oops!" "Get a bigger charger for your application".

He's a smart guy. So I did that, too.

I'm lucky enough to have been in Italy for a month. Just getting back, I figured I'd wait for
the rain to stop (2", yay! We haven't had any in years, it seems).

So, the charger's coming today. I'll go 4.2v on a balanced charge. And then go for a ride.

Right, had that coming.
Guess it's my shiny/double rainbow personality.

I hear it's fun to jump off a bridge too.

My eFSX sat for 5-6 months through last winter.
Once you really ride the thing and get that eBike grin you will understand why we say get out there and ride.

Now you have field chargers for you new helicopter hobby you didn't know you need. Or back up charger for the bike.

Have FUN!!!!
/cheers...and please don't jump off any bridges.
Still cold and nasty around here. I moved the girls away from the work bench.

I figured I'd set up the new Turnigy 2x300W 20A charger to do a storage charge set up.
But, mostly, to check it's calibration as best as I can.

This charger likes 3.85v per cell (23.1v overall/battery) as a storage voltage. Since the last
combined measurement with the voltage meter was 46.4v for the 12 cells, it didn't have too
far to go.

I almost didn't have time to press and hold "Start" until it played around and stopped at
23.10. battery in "Storage" mode.

I measured the total and separate cells in each battery with a number of monitors and
found that all the measuring devices varied at the 3.8X place a little.
But nothing wildly variable. (2 @3.83, 3 @ 3.86, 3 @ 3.84 and 4@ 3.85, if I remember correctly)
Since the charger settled in at a verifiable 23.10v/battery, I guess this battery charger is a keeper.

However, I'll continue to keep checking as I charge and discharge after and before riding....

"Riding"? What's that?


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