The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Well done, Magwa!
1/2 mile?
New charger? Allready?
I thought I was bad at 2-3 rides a week, 8-10miles a ride...thanks.
Makes me not feel so bad.
Get out there and ride!
Yeah. Well, someone that gave wonderful advice thru the whole process initially suggested some
lighter-weight (Lighter-watt) chargers. I appreciated the tip and bought two of 'em.
After I did, the guy did the math and said "Oops!" "Get a bigger charger for your application".
He's a smart guy. So I did that, too.
I'm lucky enough to have been in Italy for a month. Just getting back, I figured I'd wait for
the rain to stop (2", yay! We haven't had any in years, it seems).
So, the charger's coming today. I'll go 4.2v on a balanced charge. And then go for a ride.