New Member

Resolved! THX Baja!
DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The beast runs!! There is a constant flame coming from the exhaust. Holy f*cking sh*it. Thank god I dont have the chains on it yet, if not I would have been kicked off it when it started. Its so powerful just in idle that you feel the power through your whole body and frame. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha
Sure, I was going to sell it locally but if you like it, not problem. Its 1inch. How much would you like to give me for it?
Predator303 said:ok. show me pics of your ride.
Ok you want to see the best of both world, here's my two 2 STROKE 66cc hybrid Mountain / Cruiser, and the four STROKE 138CC Whizzer NE-5
This is a very interestng build. Very nice work! How difficult was it to move the pedals back that far? You still gonna be able to pedal it? Might not be a legal requirment there. This buid is just looking AWSOME ! I wanna see some pics with FLAMES shooting out ! Hahahah.