New Build: Cranbrook/Lifan 152F Flathead/TAV2

Time to "Go back to the Drawing Board and activate Plan B"

Okay, the little Lifan has had just about every opportunity to strut its stuff, and well, that amounts to 30 mph on the flats. Even with the (MUCH BETTER) carb on it and I even tried a straight-pipe exhaust, it just doesn't have much stink. As a matter of fact, it feels just like my old Cast-Iron B/S 5s felt like when I mounted it on my minibike 40 years ago.
This leads me to believe B/S under-rated their engines*, whereas the Lifan probably just puts out 2.5 to 2.8hp, and not a fraction more. It's only a 98cc flathead, after-all, just like the B/S 5s.

So- lesson learned. It's NOT going to get a person much above 30 mph, and for fat guys like ME, well......

So now it's gonna be the Predator 212. I'm waiting for the disk brakes, mag wheels, etc... The bike is already butchered ans scarred from putting the Lifan in it, so the 212 really won't mess things up (much) further. I even lucked out in that my saw-blade rear sprocket is already drilled to fit the mag-wheels when they show up.

So without any un-needed drama, the 212 will get me exactly what I want with power to spare. I think the Predator 212/ TAV2 Thing has been done many times before, so this thread can serve as a warning to anyone eyeballing their old DoodleBug engine for a project.

* an aside, back in The Old Dark Days of My Youth, my first engine was a rope-start B/S 6B, which now I'm learning put out a rated 2hp. It worked, and most other engines I came across were also 60000 series (6ci B/S) motors. Then through dumb luck, I became the owner of an 80000 series engine, and as they say, you never want to go back. The B/S 8ci engines were like night and day to the 60000 series engines.... 33% more cubes, larger inrtake valve... wow. All in a package the exact same size as my old 6B.

...THEN there is the 9ci 3.5 hp 90000 series B/S. God I love those motors! They are definitely on my Holy Grail wish list!

Okay, sorry about the blathering.
How about a Honda 160 like sportsman flyer uses, already upright like you flathead................Curt
I was thinking you'd say, "BlockHead!" :D

Actually, though, it would be really cool to build a rat-rod motorcycle around one of the gaziliion Honda CL250 clones available. Or have you ever seen one of those Bobbers built from a Yamaha TW200?
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I was thinking you'd say, "BlockHead!" :D

Actually, though, it would be really cool to build a rat-rod motorcycle around one of the gaziliion Honda CL250 clones available. Or have you ever seen one of those Bobbers built from a Yamaha TW200?
Like this?
Cleveland Heist.jpg
Alright! Color me impressed! Tonight, out of utter boredom, I began removing the Lifan from the Cranbrook in preparation for the 212- at that point the idea struck me, "Hey! Let's see what that HS 53cc kit can do? Most of the parts are already on the bike!".
So I swapped the 60T saw-blade for a 32T, and with minor massaging, got the little 53 on there and hooked up.
Started 3rd try; idled like a little sewing machine, and a deeper, more motorcycle sound than Lifan ever did.
(What IS it with how good these little HS motors sound?!)
Once again, the Maiden Voyage was 3am and 36F outside. The little HS is slick! Pulls decent, smooth and NO drama. MUCH nicer than my first few trips with the China-Girl.
Without yanking the head, I have NO way of telling if it REALLY is a 53, but at this point, who cares. Works pretty well. Wish I had done this with the Hyper Cruiser bike.

Good night!
Yes they are and if you can find a water pump , or military engine they would be all ball bearing, Lauson is all ball bearing 1 3/4 hp from factory.

Hey, Curtis! Speaking of fun engine projects- I have a 2-stroke 4hp B/S (96722 ) that sooner or later, I'm going to put on SOMETHING! (?) I already flopped the carb 90 degrees, so it'll run as a horizontal shaft.
Think you posted it some were else, interesting.Let us know when you do.............Curt
It'll probably be one of the LAST things I try to build... A whole lot of adapting and modifying to get it to do something useful. I have an old bike/trike conversion in the shed....
Hi, guys. Thought I would do an update. The Cranbrook shall remain as-is, (4-stroke HS Clone with stock wheels, 32T rear, and rim-brakes up front.) I was going to try to put the mag-rims, 212cc, and disk brake(s) on it, but after all the necessary mods, it wouldn't even be a Cranbrook anymore, and to be honest, it's been pointed out by many before that the Crannies are best with the small kit engines. Besides, I'm loving it with the HS Clone... it's almost perfect.

SO...what to do with that 212 Hemi and Deathrow TAV?...

The answer is in the back-yard right now. A couple of months ago, I picked up a battered Specialized Hardrock GT from Goodwill for I think $15 (maybe even $10!), and it will take the mag-wheels without drama, it will take the Hemi with some mild-massaging, and I think I can even run disk-brakes on it- at least without the issues the Cranbrook's fork presented. What do you think? It's a 97 with no suspension. (This is a stock photo of a new one.)
I should re-name this thread, "JerryAssburger's Mental-Mumblings" !....
Has anyone seen one of THESE?!?.....

I swear, the same part of my brain that causes me to butcher a perfectly good Cranbrook in the name of making it move under it's own power, has me looking at THIS thing and thinking. "I wonder if a Rebel 250 Twin could be cobbled onto that frame?...?"
It's bigger than it looks- the wheels are 24" O.D, and it has a 31" seat height.... just an incredibly anemic little motor. BUT- it's street legal!
At $1600, it's a pricey What-If, but if someone really wanted a cheap motorcycle project....
I should re-name this thread, "JerryAssburger's Mental-Mumblings" !....
Has anyone seen one of THESE?!?.....

I swear, the same part of my brain that causes me to butcher a perfectly good Cranbrook in the name of making it move under it's own power, has me looking at THIS thing and thinking. "I wonder if a Rebel 250 Twin could be cobbled onto that frame?...?"
It's bigger than it looks- the wheels are 24" O.D, and it has a 31" seat height.... just an incredibly anemic little motor. BUT- it's street legal!
At $1600, it's a pricey What-If, but if someone really wanted a cheap motorcycle project....View attachment 107700
$1600 isn't too terrible, for what it is. Here's a link for those who don't know what it is:
You could also swap out the engine for a 125, 140, 190 or even 212cc. Here's one place to get all those: