Need help deciding which rear sprocket to use, 34t or 44t ?


New Member
Aug 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Ok, here's my situation, I had a custom made 34t sprocket from Andyinchville. However, I when it came I noticed it was quite thin in comparison to the stock 44t that came with my dax 70cc. After using it a few times I've notice the 34t got bent slightly, however I did love it. I got 40mph! on flat lands (my street name is literally called flatlands lol = )). I am in NYC where the road is relativly flat 95% of the time. Now my dillema is if I should keep the slightly bent 34t? Or switch to 44t. I will lose a tremendous amount from my top speed if i switch to 44t, i assume. During the Break In period I got it up to about 28mph (On the 44t). I dont know how much I will get now after the break in. I stop using it. So what should I do? Still use the 34t (which is slightly bent), or 44t? I figure that the chain will take up the bending ( I assume, correct me if im wrong). One thing I did like is the tremendous torque difference between the 44t and 34t. The 44t pulled off ALOT FASTER, and reached up to cruise speed alot faster as well. So what should I do. Stick with the 44t, or 34t? The 34t has many advantages over the 44t, but the only thing is that it is slightly bent. I tested this just puting it on a flat surface, and noticed it rises a little on one side. Anyway, I was planing on going as low as 32t. Now let me describe some of my riding conditions. I ride on streets, I stop like every 2-3 blocks, sometimes more, I like to cruise at high speeds like 30mph +.

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
The sprocket rubber gaskets are , have to be tighting un even, I have a 40 from Andy and I love it. Plus its pretty hard to bend or warp one of his sprockets. Hope this helps