Need alot of help and advice

Bought an ezip bike, the new 09 model...It's sooo heavy and feels so slow even when I got it going on the highest gear on a leveled road...ran out of power after about 15 miles with its 20 pound battery...

gonna return it and just build my own little by little...

the problem is that the thing is so heavy that when i felt like not using the motor it made it really difficult to pedal for some reason....thinking that if I make something with a really light frame, hub motor, lithium or better batteries that it might weigh less.

15miles is good i only got 5 miles with the electric one i had.
i had the walmart mongoose 24v 300w 2-7ah batts 18"frt 16"rear 12-15mph max.
the bike was to short and heavy to peddal. my battery pack was the heavyest thing on it,next was the motor,without them i could pick the bike up with 2 fingers.
the batteries were bad after a few months and 300 miles on bike.
i tossed the parts(motor/controller/throttle/wheels/batterypack/charger) in a parts box for a later project.

This is what I was saying from the start!!! The BOX store bikes are CARP!!!!

That is why I am coming out of the box with my line of E/Bikes.

They will be like no other. One of a kind! Stay tuned! to a channel to

YOU real soon....POPS .weldcflg
Please come up with something before i go crazy...I contacted a website that seems pretty decent about whether or not they will sell me certain parts of a kit, maybe that will turn out well.
If I bought one the first thing i would do is drop those batteries down. I agree the balance would be impossible for me with the batteries that high. A home made luggage rack that custom fits the batteries is the way to go. Then you can lift them off for charging and the bike's weight is minimal.

I have a WICKED turn to get my bike out of the shop. I don't even try that anymore with the batteries on the bike. I can't pedal mine home so I try to be careful where I go that it is within six miles of the house.
Just got electric brushless rear 26" hub electric conversion kit from ebay for 212$, 250watt 36volt. Hoping this is a good price from what I've been seeing
It sounds like a very good deal . I paid 275 with shipping for my 250 watt 24volt front wheel hub. good luck with it. It sounds like a really nice deal.
Just got electric brushless rear 26" hub electric conversion kit from ebay for 212$, 250watt 36volt. Hoping this is a good price from what I've been seeing

You had more power with the e-zip than that and its 36v so you'll have to carry more batteries also with hub you'll be stuck with a one gear motor. Plus ya got from ebay? How so you know what you're getting from there? And what are you putting this on? But it will get you where your going, well maybe.

I'm a proud E-zip owner. E-zip's heavy for a good reason, they are built to have a motor on them! The customer service is great ! The SLA's sux. It took me a whole but I got Li-Ion's.

A year ago I was in the same spot as you. Going, "OMG electric!"
When you asked me about batteries I didn't know you is this kind of trouble.

Did you put your birthday as your username?

Good luck!
Yeah you can get a lot of junk on ebay for sure. Most of the things I buy are okay but some go from the mailbox to the trash can. I bought my hub there and It is pretty much what I expected. It is under powered but at the time I thought that was what I wanted. I wanted to get a little exercise with my ride.

Getting exercise on a power bike is a myth. Yes it is more exercise than riding in a car, but ride five miles a day on an ebike as your only exercise, then try walking a mile up and down some minor hills and you will find out quickly how little good the riding did. But that's another story.

On the Izip does the motor run through the gears. I thought it ran at only one gear on the off side of the bike. If it does run at only one gear ratio, then the hub would work about the same with a cluster on the pedal side. You can get that on rear hubs I am told.

I have a pusher trailer I just installed on a six speed 20" bike that I'm looking forward to trying out today, if it stops raining. It will push at the same speed, but I should be able to pick up the pedal sooner. Maybe even down shift for slower but easier pedaling up those killer hills.

My pusher is 350 watt chain drive and I can tell a big difference in the torque climbing hills but over all the performance is about the same since the big hub wheel creates more top end speed and hits the bottom of the hill with more speed to bleed off in most cases.
On the Izip does the motor run through the gears. I thought it ran at only one gear on the off side of the bike. If it does run at only one gear ratio, then the hub would work about the same with a cluster on the pedal side. You can get that on rear hubs I am told.

Stock,yes, one gear, but I have plans to change that. Hub there's no room for improvements. Stuck with what ya got. :) You can get rear hubs but doesn't affect the motor gearing. I really don't understand their appeal.

But I digress, don't wanna confuse cris anymore than he already is (?)
In my case the hub was for front wheel drive. It was easier to install than anything else. I was supposed to get more exercise as well. It was easy to install and i do pedal more than I did the china kit bike, but I tried to walk and found out what miserable shape I'm in.

Today I was riding my new still in progress second pusher when someone pulled up along side and told me I couldn't ride it on the road I had to ride it in the grass. I told him where to go. At that moment the last scene from easy rider flashed into my mind.

People who do not know the law seem to be the ones who want to pretend that they do. Most of us know the law as it pertains to our hobby, probably in self defense. If I were a teenager the dude and his significant other would have impressed me but as it was I'm just too darn old to care what people think. I guess I am going to have to put holsters onto the saddle of my bike though.
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Forgot where it was but for a low low price of 120 us dollars you could get a 24 volt front hub non brushless thingey and all the parts you need to set up your bike in only about 1 hour for beginers 30 min for a experienced team of 2
for that price you probally just get the 24v hub motor,then you would have to buy batteries,controller,throttle and stuff.
theres no way you get all for $120.
even my cheap wallyworld electric mongoose was $175 and i do mean cheap parts,and it didnt even have a hub motor,just a regular one.