Bought an ezip bike, the new 09 model...It's sooo heavy and feels so slow even when I got it going on the highest gear on a leveled road...ran out of power after about 15 miles with its 20 pound battery...
gonna return it and just build my own little by little...
the problem is that the thing is so heavy that when i felt like not using the motor it made it really difficult to pedal for some reason....thinking that if I make something with a really light frame, hub motor, lithium or better batteries that it might weigh less.
15miles is good i only got 5 miles with the electric one i had.
i had the walmart mongoose 24v 300w 2-7ah batts 18"frt 16"rear 12-15mph max.
the bike was to short and heavy to peddal. my battery pack was the heavyest thing on it,next was the motor,without them i could pick the bike up with 2 fingers.
the batteries were bad after a few months and 300 miles on bike.
i tossed the parts(motor/controller/throttle/wheels/batterypack/charger) in a parts box for a later project.
This is what I was saying from the start!!! The BOX store bikes are CARP!!!!
That is why I am coming out of the box with my line of E/Bikes.
They will be like no other. One of a kind! Stay tuned! to a channel to
YOU real soon....POPS