Need a BIG sprocket for the manic mechanic hub adapter


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
I have one of the original hub adapters from manic mechanic (Creative Engineering) which I see has been sold to another company.

I'm looking to purchase a larger sprocket for my bike (1950 Panther with 99 predator engine & Qmatic tranny) since I will soon be running it with a sidecar. I figure I will need to lower the gearing a bit to compensate. I currently am using a 64 tooth sprocket and want to go with either a 68 or even 72 (which is what I think AZBill runs on his stretch). Anybody have one or know where I can get one?
I look at there web page, and seen that you can order from someone who buys from them. Piston bikes should still carry there products.
mine IS a 72tooth,
I will do some looking for you,
I am curious to see if I can find another for a potential build I might be doing for a local guy

you could use your sprocket as a drilling pattern for a bigger sprocket, that is how I was thinking of solving this puzzle
I currently am using a 64 tooth sprocket and want to go with either a 68 or even 72 (which is what I think AZBill runs on his stretch). Anybody have one or know where I can get one?
You would have to drill it.
68 - 72 teeth $47.95

"BLANKS" come with the specified number of teeth and a 1" bore, aiding sprocket centering for those who want to add their own bore and bolt circle pattern.
Hi. Pirate Cycles had the 66T sprocket and others for the MM hub adapters a week and a half ago on their website.
If I can avoid having to drill out a blank or enlarge the center hole I'd prefer it. But if I have to go that route then I will. I was hoping I could just order one and know it was going to fit the adapter and be perfectly concentric. If it's off it makes a big difference.

Thanks for the input. I sent an email to Pirate and to the guys who bought out Creative Engineering with no response yet. Have not tried Piston or investigated Kings, but will.

Bill, I hope you find something. Let me know if you do. Thanks,
Kings really will make anything you want. Just specify the tooth count, chain type, bolt circle and # of and diameter of bolt holes, and center hole diameter and they will make it for you.

I know, they did this for me on my mini-bike sprocket.
SB, if you get the sprocket from Jacks, you probably aren't going to have to enlarge the center hole.
It's likely to clear your axle just fine, only the 3 holes would be needed.

King's will make anything you want.

Ha! Maybe after an indeterminable waiting period during which they will not answer emails or calls! Weeks, months or more.
Dunno about your experiance.

I called them one day after I thought about modding out a stock sprocket, they answered the phone and I aked if they could build this.


66 tooth, 41 chain, (4) 3/8" holes om a 3.875" BC with a 1.375" center hole.

Price was the same as the site indicated, I paypaled them the bux and it arrived in about 2 weeks.


I am talking about the King's with the sprockets on the side bar and not King's motorbikes.
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Good for you, MikeB, but there are several here who haven't had the same experience with King's Sales when it comes to custom sprockets.

I've called King's over a dozen times. Never got an answer. I've emailed him, got responses 3 months later.
I've called the day I received an email response at his request, no answer. I'm done dealing with King's Sales and "Service".

Jacks answers the phone every time and you'll get the sprocket you ordered in 2-5 days. That's service.
OK, I remember that.

Also the drilling and machining required.

Yeah, small machine shops are like that. If they are busy they don't want to stop work on the 100 pc run they are doing to set up a machine to do 1 pc.

I must have got lucky - :)
I got a response today from the outfit that bought out the Manic Mechanic...

"Hi Silverbear,

I'm sorry, but all we have available for now is 40T & 48T sprockets.
Maybe in the future.. Check back in a couple months.

Thanks, George"

So, that's out. It would seem to me that someone is missing the boat and a trend lately for more four stroke engines being used on motorbike builds. We need bigger sprockets to be available with the clam shell adapters.

As I recall with the Qmatic kit for a H.S. engine it comes with a 56 tooth sprocket. I've been using a 64 and want to go bigger yet. This is frustrating.
Hi All,

FWIW - We generally strive to get orders out within 2 to 5 business days (I put a "new" section on our web page under the FAQ section to explain how orders are handled and we also provided an estimated time a customer can expect to wait from time of order to actually receiving the product in the same section).

Generally speaking, orders that are ready to make are processed first (i.e. orders that have all the needed info for making the sprocket and orders that are paid for correctly).

If a custom order or order comes in without all the needed info (and / or proper payment),these orders are generally delayed a week or two since we do emailings for info and funds usually only once or twice a time permits.

As far as general emails and phone calls, I generally answer most calls when they come in but as volume increases it is difficult to field all calls and sometimes they do have to go to voice mail to be returned when time permits....I do try to post answers to common questions on our web page and/ or You Tube Videos. I generally try to call people back rather than email since I am a slow typist and talking is quite a bit faster than typing for me (so If you must email, leaving a phone number will generally get you a call back sooner..unless the email gets buried...Actually sometimes phone calls get buried too....Hmmm Note to self: Must look into Cloning ;-)

The Fastest way to get a Super Sprocket (custom or "normal" is to simply place the order (on our website) with all the needed info and correct payment...For "normal" sprockets just tell us what it is and chances are we will have the pattern on file....On the other hand, for a totally custom sprocket we would need quite a bit more info... At the very minimum for a totally custom sprocket we would need : Application, Chain size, Tooth Count desired, center bore diameter, Bolt Circle Diameter, Number of mounting holes, Diameter of mounting holes......Optional information that could be needed are (these would be extra cost options) : color or hard coating, specific patterns for lightening (if not our standard holes or spoke pattern - we can do pretty much any design, custom engraving etc...).

I do generally try to handle as many questions, phone calls, and emails as possible but making / filling actual orders is given the top priority.

As a side note, we are currently in the process of establishing some dealers for our products, the thought here is that hopefully they would be able to field many of the questions and we could then concentrate more on production and product development....(OK here is a "teaser" for those of you who have read this far....We are Currently in the process of applying for a patent on a better braking system for bicycles (not just motorized bikes but all bikes......Our Super Sprockets give you the "GO" and soon our "Maxi Brake" will give you the "Woa"! Kinda rhymes I guess! (Maxi Brake is not necessarily the final name but it may be).

Hope this gives you some insight on how you can get our Super Sprockets quickly

Thanks for all your past , present, and future business........Happy Fourth!


Anyways, Back to making Sprockets! ;-)

I contacted Pirate and have asked, but no reply yet.

I appreciate that you have taken the time to respond to this thread. I think that speaks well of you and your desire to serve the motor bicycling community. What I'm hoping to locate is a sprocket of the right tooth count which will bolt right onto the MM hub adapter without the need or expense of being a one off custom job. Do you have the information on file you would need for bolting to a MM hub?
Yeah, Andrew rocks!

It happened just as he described it.

I gave him the info he needed and the bucks and voila', sprocket in 2 weeks.

Anything you want baby!
Hi SB,

I think there are 2 different patterns for the MM HUb Adapter ( I believe a large bolt circle and a small bolt circle model....A customer (well potential customer) was supposed to send me the info and I was looking forward to seeing if both patterns could be put on a single sprocket (or maybe even added to our current sprockets in addition to the 9 hole mounts etc..) but I can't recall ever getting it so I don't currently have the needed specs on file.

If you can get me the needed info, we can make the sprocket for the same price as our other motorized bike sprockets.

Our prices for a "custom" sprocket are generally the same as our "normal" sprockets since we make every sprocket to order anyways (generally our prices are based on the size of the sprocket not the mounting pattern...the mounting pattern is generally the "custom" aspect of most of our "custom" orders.

About the only time we charge extra is if a person mails in a sprocket for us to measure and make (generally, the extra charge for a mail in / measure / make is $15 above the cost of the normal sprocket)...

If you give us the measurements / specs there is generally no extra charge....We can also do countersunk and stepped bolt holes (like for chain ring bolts) for no extra charge either....We can do "split" sprockets for $10 more (includes "spacer" to make the cut sprocket "round" again).

As far as time to make custom sprockets.... If we get everything we need (and don't have to measure) it is about exactly the same time to make as our "normal" sprockets.....One exception tho may be w/ really large sprockets since that requires the machine to be "reset" but typically that happens only above about 70T or so depending on what the previous sprocket made was.

Hope this helps to clarify things



PS - Although not commonly done for motorized bikes, we do have patterns for the Shift Kit Chain Rings and Grubee HD hubs (either freewheel or non free wheel) on file and can make these as well.
Thanks for the information. I'm going to look to see if I still have a sprocket from MM with both bolt patterns. I'm reluctant to do the measuring as I don't know that I would be accurate enough. Since the whole idea is for it to be concentric and right on I would rather you did the measuring to remove any fudge factor. So I'll see if I have one. It would be a 56 tooth I believe, but from that you could enlarge it to 72 if I go that high.
(Which is the next thing to figure out).

I hope you're reading this. I started to PM you, but then copied it to paste here since the thoughts and information may prove to be helpful to someone else.
"Hi Bill,
I'm trying to figure out what size sprocket I should order for King's sprockets. If I order from them...I may yet find something already made.
Right now I'm running a 64 tooth on my 50 Panther with a 99 Predator engine and the same Qmatic transmission I had when I was using the 50 CC HS engine.

I understand that a bigger sprocket is going to increase my hill climbing capability and decrease the top speed. I know you were running a 72 tooth on your stretch. Are you still and is that with the 99cc engine? If so, what kind of cruising speed can you do? I like going around thirty, but may reduce that a bit once I have the sidecar attached. I imagine the drag will be similar to your rig with the trailer behind. Hill climbing is not so much an issue here in Minnesota, but somewhat. In Maryland where I am for the winters it is a major issue since I live there on a mountain. Not terrible grades, but some fairly long ones. I do not want to pedal.

So, I'm trying to figure what the sweet spot would be for tooth count. I know you can't tell me for sure, but what would be your guess? I'm 200 pounds, the dog adds another 25 and the sidecar is probably 60 pounds with the frame.

If you had it to do over again, would you still go for the 72 tooth sprocket?