I guess one reaps what one sows... If you browse porn it's bound to pop up on your computer. Lol Seriously though I haven't had any come up at all.
If you look at the upper right hand corner of that ad you'll see an 'X'. Click on it and a pull down menu will come up giving you three options as to why you don't want to see that ad again. Click on 'inappropriate' and you'll get a message that tells you the ad has been removed. Most of the time it works and you won't see it again. But then, maybe you don't mind seeing it. In that case, don't do anything but look at it.She's back!
And I don't visit porn sites.
Paul, the owner, has always been against the idea of a 'pay site'. He has always wanted the forum to be available to everyone at no cost. The concept has been discussed but shelved unless and until the advertising becomes more of a problem than we can handle.Tom has the idea of a paid subscription to help the site out with an ad free version ever been talked about?
If you look at the upper right hand corner of that ad you'll see an 'X'. Click on it and a pull down menu will come up giving you three options as to why you don't want to see that ad again. Click on 'inappropriate' and you'll get a message that tells you the ad has been removed. Most of the time it works and you won't see it again. But then, maybe you don't mind seeing it. In that case, don't do anything but look at it.
LOL, actually that ad that Mike is fond of is selling vitamins. The people responsible are just hoping it will get your attention and you'll check it out.Hmmm......somehow, it just seems appropriate to click on the "X" for a porn site ad!