I just put one of my dax GT5 lowers together yesterday, shav3d the jug .080, not s7re of port timing since I dont have a degree wheel, but I'm using 1.7mm of base gasket, and my final squish clearance is .70mm using a .040" head gasket with a Jake/MZ Diamond head, did same type port clean up I usually do, only widened exhaust about 1mm and just cleaned intake port up nice, cleaned up transfers, notched piston skirt b8t not comepletely wide open on intake, piston ramped on exhaust port side width of port and only about .030 removed.
I didnt want to take to much away from the bottom end of the 38mm stroke engine, but give it a little extra kick at the top, since I dont know what my port timing is for sure Im hop8ng this turns out to run like I want it to, but time will tell.
I pulled both of my dax lowers out and started looking over them close and rotating the crank in each one, I builtwhat I think is the best one since the rank spins very untrue in one of them, Ill have to take it down and straighten the crank out before I uild this one or it will be a vibrator, when crank is rotated so rod is at lowest point the counterweights are probably about .060 closer together between each other than they are on the rod end, thats a good bit of wobble and will no doubt translate into serious vibes at high rpms, f8rst dax engine Ive seen with this issue, sure wish he would go back to the good ole 40mm stroke engines he had before, the newer GT5 engines just aren't the same quality as for as the ranks are concerned.