...with a bee. Freaking ouch. I hit that sucker head on at 25mph. The speed of the bee is unknown, and so is the bee's condition.
It nailed me right in the throat. That hurt so bad. I got to the stop light and it felt like my neck was on fire. Holy crap.
I've never been stung by a bee before (or anything flying for that matter). I can't believe it took me 24.5 years to get stung by a bee.
What's funny is a lot of people I've talked to that ride motorcycles and such...they've all been nailed by a bee soon after they started riding.
But other than that, the trip was good. Wasn't much of a trip, but I went a couple miles to visit my wife at the coffee shop and get an orange Italian soda (yum).
It nailed me right in the throat. That hurt so bad. I got to the stop light and it felt like my neck was on fire. Holy crap.
I've never been stung by a bee before (or anything flying for that matter). I can't believe it took me 24.5 years to get stung by a bee.
What's funny is a lot of people I've talked to that ride motorcycles and such...they've all been nailed by a bee soon after they started riding.
But other than that, the trip was good. Wasn't much of a trip, but I went a couple miles to visit my wife at the coffee shop and get an orange Italian soda (yum).