my car is totalled


New Member
my car is totalled
technically anyway
its a 1994 jaguar xjs and i hit a street sign when i stoped too hard on gravel:-||:-||
soooooo.... its time for a new car
im thinking 2002 lancer oz rally
only 5500$ black on black
save the rear end, hotrodders will pay big bucks. i had an xjs w/400ci chevy real fast. the auto/trans is a 350 chev
Funny rotfl soon as I saw Jaguar, the first thing that came into my head was the electrical system rotfl
Why do all brit cars have such trashy elec systems. I had an austin healey that would not start if the weather man just predicted rain. that car got towed more often than I got drunk and i was in college at the time.
I have no ideal deacon, but I learned very young when working on them, forget everything you know about electrical system, because everything you have learned does not apply to british vehicles.
actually this jag has been as reliable a car as possible

the only thing that ever went wrong is a belt broke and a hose blew
Yup - its lucas again *sigh*

Re the XJS - try asking the insurance company if you can have it written off but retain ownership - then you can repair and re-insure...

Lucas was only one of BL's problems - a highlight was bored line workers welding doors up with empty beer cans in them ... and other fun games.

Then there was the leather that went green.... and the CIH engines where the camshaft welded itself to the bearings... usually at high speed...

Jemma xx
My Austin Mini used to stall in the slightest drizzle . It actually stalled in front of a fire station just as the alarm went off . Three burly guys ran out and shoved it out of the way . I solved the problem by duct taping a bread bag over the distributor . I could then run through puddles to wash the windshield . The best thing about the older British cars was the sound . The motors told you about everything that was going on . Mine had the "power Echo" exhaust system . I totalled it by running in to a 1965 Oldsmobile . It was totalled as well . ...... D.J.

Grad 197? me in my two tone powder blue tux .
found the car i'm getting

1997 camaro z28 anniversary edition
the guy had in the add will trade for vintage muscle car(pre-1978) or motorcycle

soo im offering him both
a 1965 mustang 302 v8
and a 2007 hyosung gv650

this thing is COOL
Deacon I had a 1964 Austin Healy mark 3 -3000 series and It was great 3 su carbs, 6 cylinders, 4 speed, 2 speed over drive, rag top, wire whels with knock off hubs and run like a bat out of ****, I borke it up racing to work one night from Hamilton to Quincy,Ill racing a dodge charger
he couldn't keep up. It broke a ring and scored a cylinder. After I rebuilt it, it really would run it was dirty fast.
I had a Austin Healy too, well it was an MG with the Austin engine in it. I did not have a starter so I push started it every where I went, and then jumped in it to go.
I had a 49 Jag coupe. Chick Magnet/money pit. I finely went to a british wrench and he told me a secret after I got him drunk. You got to use a LEFT handed Hammerrotfl A Jag in fine condition is a thing of beauty. The V 12 is Scarry. Later Tramp/(c) Sorry about your ride man
I had a 49 Jag coupe. Chick Magnet/money pit. I finely went to a british wrench and he told me a secret after I got him drunk. You got to use a LEFT handed Hammerrotfl A Jag in fine condition is a thing of beauty. The V 12 is Scarry. Later Tramp/(c) Sorry about your ride man

Nah.... the nutcase who managed to shoehorn a merlin engine into a Bentley Continental S2 was scary...

Myself I have had three humbers - the baby ones :). I did have a look at a snipe once in Wales - it was the point & guess power steering that put me off though. I have this thing about liking to know what direction I am going rotfl

The Healeys were nice cars - what BMC would have termed a parts bin special - the engines actually came from those left over for truck production. They did the same a few years later with the Princess Type R - in that case it was a 4 litre R60 engine from a military generator of all things... it went like stink but as the engine weighed about 3/4 again that of the rest of the car dont try going round corners...

Jemma xx
You talking about a Rolls Royce merlin v-12 in a car?! I'd love to have/see something like that except for the price of gas I wouldn't want to pay for feeding that.
My Healy was a real cool car, real walnut instrument panel. I didn't have to much trouble with the electrics just getting parts was kind of hard. I broke a ring on the rebuild and waited 2 weeks to get a replacement set the cam back then was $150.0 in 1972 which I thought was high dollor. I did the complete rebuild for about $600.00 in parts and my skinned knuckles, which I don't remember skinning them.
You talking about a Rolls Royce merlin v-12 in a car?! I'd love to have/see something like that except for the price of gas I wouldn't want to pay for feeding that.
My Healy was a real cool car, real walnut instrument panel. I didn't have to much trouble with the electrics just getting parts was kind of hard. I broke a ring on the rebuild and waited 2 weeks to get a replacement set the cam back then was $150.0 in 1972 which I thought was high dollor. I did the complete rebuild for about $600.00 in parts and my skinned knuckles, which I don't remember skinning them.

I think from memory the engine was a war surplus 1030hp merlin with the starter and such provided by a tank engine based on the merlin motor. Its not so much the fuel price that worries me - its the state of the roads back in the day ...

I loved the Humbers and so strangely did my 18 month old daughter.. you should have seen the look on her face when I got a modern car, I got a glare that plainly said "I am not getting in that" rotfl . I swear that child got a 25 year old soul by mistake!

The problem with the sceptres was also parts - although considering their age they were fairly indestructible - the biggest problem was rotors for the front disc brakes.

Jemma xx