My build so far. not sure of the frame brand.


New Member
Hey guys,

I have been stalking this forum for a few months now and slowly building myself a motorized chopper bicycle. Stretches in Australia are bloody hard to find.. Now I have 2 laff

Anyway here are a couple of pics of the build so far. it's the typical 66cc 2 stroke with a SBP jackshaft kit installed that I need to customize a little to get it up and going.
I also have a 5 speed sturmey archer hub with rear disk sitting on the shelf ready to go in once I finish the jackshaft off. I need to mod the JS because I want it all kept under the original chain guard which I had chromed.

let me know what you guys think of it so far.



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Thanks mate.. I have done pretty well so far considering I have never built a bicycle in my life. I do have a trade cert in the metal industry though so I like to think i am not mechanicaly challenged :p

The euro bottom end bracket is in now. Just need to lower the jackshaft and drill new engine mount holes to keep it all behind the chain guard.

Once the mechanicals have been completed I will paint the frame metallic black and add the new rear wheel with the 5 speed hub.


ps: I also have a spare stretch and a lifan single speed 70cc engine sitting around.. I have fast learned how easy it is to collect um... bike stuff! lol
Here is the second stretch:
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I havn't bolted it on yet and it's just hanging from the plug in that photo.. and I planned on putting it on the little plate on the front mount bracket. from where the engine sits, they're pretty short leads to give you room to move.

Do they not like getting warm at all? my other option would be to mount it on the frame under the engine.
Look at it closely if the wire is glued in your stuck with it ,if it will turn out (unscrew) then replace all of it . The bakealite cap from china is junk .toss it and the wire. You can get a new set up from the auto parts store or off an old car. There are a bunch of posts about those if you search the archive. I always upgrage right away or you may end up pedaling home ...
I like to hide the cdi in a little box or up under the tank ,guess i just think there ugly but way better then points!
You could put it under the top rail of your frame. maybe tuck in in under the lower part of your tank. It will stay cooler and the wiring could tuck in nicely along the top rail.
There isn't any glue thaqt I can see. I gave it a gentle turn and it went about a quarter turn before meeting any resistance. I didn't want to force it any. I'm guessing if its the screew on type, the wire is just screwing on to a pointed thread?

I had a good look and under the tank could work well in i drill 2 holes in the tabk bracket.

This bike has an ally frame and one thing I have been able to avoid in this build so far is drilling any holes or welding. everything is bolt on so I can always strip it back to the original bike.

Hi Scott.

I have had to change the config of the engine to allow the jackshaft to work. the motor is now on the front bar instead of the rear (couldnt get the angle to the jackshaft from the engine without using a jockey sprocket)

On the plus side. Ive finished off another stretch in the process ;)

So that was the spare stretch after i prettied it up. but as we do.. i went off my build for a month or 2. then had the urge to build the spare as there is no jackshaft and it's a pretty straight up build to do.. so... here is the result :)

Still not quite finished.. just throttle and engine chain guard to drill in position.

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I must have ridden my bike for a couple of hours yesterday... So much fun, it flies!!! about 50kms at decent rev (going easy on it) and it puts away from very slow without argument... I love this thing!
The looks and stares you get on a stretch are awesome!
Its not a bike ,its a time machine that takes you back to 10yrs old ....
We finally got weater above freezing so i got to ride a little aswell ,still love it Dec 09, 7 57 17 PM.jpg
This is this summers ride ,not the best photo ,but there is four inches of streach in there .
The frame is from a company call pasfic coast bicycles cira 1978 ,they sold it as a streach cruiser, would never messure up these days ?
Its not a bike ,its a time machine that takes you back to 10yrs old ....

And that my friend is the driving force that compells us to build these things :) it is the bike I wanted my 12yo self to have. I was a lucky 10yo kid.. that christmas I was given a Honda XR 80. gave me many years of adventures (lived by a national park)

I have learned that when the instructions say check the all bolts / nuts before each ride.. they say it for a reason. there is alot of vibration from the little china girl.

I can proudly say I built this bike on my own, without ever even putting together a bicycle before.. and only a handfull of tools..shft.

here's a much better picture:
Ya know what thought poped into my head looking at your bike... And you may hate the idea... Ever see black lace over crome? The effect is from the late 60s . A lace stocking is streached across the crome ,carefully aligned ,then painted in many thin coats.
Alot of moped tanks back in the day had a sim effect ,and i always wanted to try it .
So looking at your front end ,i was thinking how cool that might look? Do something matching on just a small area , like the bottom of the fork tube or the first few inches of the fenders? Some thing about that red and crome combo....
I think I've seen something similare done with fishnet stockings to give the paint that "scale" look.

I'm really not in a rush to paint over the chrome.. everything chrome is band new, maybe once she gets a few rusty coloured spots. but not yet.

I am tempted to strip it down and give it another 3 coats of red.. then light sand and 3 coats of clear... just for that glassy look on the paint!
If you spray candy colors over chrome, you get a cool anodized look. Be sure to scotchbrite scuff the surface before painting and use many thin coats to build to the desired colors rather than fewer thicker coats.