Easy Rider
Santa Cruz Scooter Works
Well it looks like I did it AGAIN! I posted like a mad man without a formal introduction. Sorry Cruiser!
I recently got into the motorbicycling scene but been around two stroke motors since the 80's. Finding this new interest has been fantastic! I'm also lucky to have raced for Team BoXer because my Sensei Dean Maro has taught this grasshopper lots of cool stuff about two cycle motors as well as understanding & building tuned expansion chambers. I'm enjoying this forum and it will be the only place I will post pics(not links) of the latest and greatest stuff from Team BoXer!

I recently got into the motorbicycling scene but been around two stroke motors since the 80's. Finding this new interest has been fantastic! I'm also lucky to have raced for Team BoXer because my Sensei Dean Maro has taught this grasshopper lots of cool stuff about two cycle motors as well as understanding & building tuned expansion chambers. I'm enjoying this forum and it will be the only place I will post pics(not links) of the latest and greatest stuff from Team BoXer!