drops electric bike sub-forum


Well-Known Member
I remain an avid mountain biker. I was reading the forums and noticed that they had dropped the Electric Assisted Bike subforum, after carrying it for over a year. I pondered why that would have happened. It was popular and there was a lot of innovation happening with electric bikes. I think it was ultimately a lack of sponsorship for the subforum. If had been able to secure a consistent commercial sponsor for the Electric subforum, they would have been crazy to drop it. Any other ideas?
I also monitored that and found it to be pretty weak so no great loss in my book. Endless Sphere is the place for e bikes.
Endless-sphere is a great forum, dedicated to electric power.However, was a mainstream cycling forum, so it was dissappointing that their electric assist sub-forum was dropped. It was an opportunity to really expand the ebike business.
sad part is most mainstream bicyclist do not like motorized bicycles at all. i imagine they were getting a lot of heat from the die hard bicyclist. hopefully some of the members can find a home here., i have a freind that owns a large bicycle shop in michigan. he added an electric bicycle to his inventory and it upset people and bought lots of rude coments. he said he will not stock them anymore. kinda dumb but thats how it is
I still like to go past a peddling elite-st with a Noisy red lined Morini every once in a while.:D

I was a hard core peddling elite at one time for a great many years. Just that a Lance Armstrong costume was never needed or ever looked into. I just wore a pair of jeans on the way to work.

If back in the day a bike like mine would have flew by me I would have loved it.(^)
A HT with a stock exhaust is too loud for me. If you went by me on a Morini with a loud expansion chamber I would hate you too.

Just like I hate all the Harley guys with the straight pipes.

I don't like loud.

Don't care if it's 2 stroke, 4 stroke, 2 wheels or 4. If you are loud, I don't like you.
A HT with a stock exhaust is too loud for me. If you went by me on a Morini with a loud expansion chamber I would hate you too.

Just like I hate all the Harley guys with the straight pipes.

I don't like loud.

Don't care if it's 2 stroke, 4 stroke, 2 wheels or 4. If you are loud, I don't like you.
Unless I am at red line my bike is actually way quieter than than the average H.T. 4 stroke what ever...Some things can be cleaned up to be pleasant. It is what you make of it.

By the way that stealthy quiet of the electric you wanna say is peace may very well wind up terrorizing '''you''' most. Better drive really slow and watch the surroundings closely !

Why??? every one in a car or side walk or any walk of life will never know you are there. That is terror all in it's own. :-{

No thing in life is perfect................. I smell the roses every day
I don't ride on sidewalks.

But you are correct, I went past a couple of guys having a conversation in the middle of the road today. I slowed down and one guy saw me and pulled back. I rode around the other guy at ~5 and he told me to get a horn - :)
I don't ride side walks ether. Same as when I peddled. Side walks are for folks on foot lol. I do ''very polity and gratefully ''take a short cut now and then tho..;)

As for max in the street which is 40 mph or so, all it is geared for.. I ride where the cars do then..and I always give room for a fellow biker. Normal speed for me 99% of the time is about 30.... Now back to that L.A. out fit..laff
I don't understand the objection of the cycling faithful to electric assisted bikes. Most ebikes require that you pedal along with the motor to maximize the range of the batteries. The electrical assist also allows people with leg injuries and other serious conditons to get outside and cycle. Since building my motorized bike, I have still done an MS-150 and plenty of mountain biking. Being a motorized bike rider has not caused me to abandon conventional cycling.
Don't get me wrong I have every intention of building a Electric bike. Have been totally fascinated by them and truly love what I hear. I will! It is definitely going to happen!! Will have real brakes on it ''not something cheezy'' like nice disk ones. Over all speeds for me will be set up for the same.

How ever I might need to carry prerecorded engine noises with lol. Just joking. The quiet does intimidate me in all honesty tho.. The only way I would feel safe is to run at about 20 mph .. An average peddler's speed. That is not all that bad at all ether.
20 is all the faster mine will go.

And all the faster I want to go all perched up there above 20" wheels.

Build #2 will be faster. On 29" wheels. More stability - :)
I think insofar as safety, the noise of a gasbike vs the silence of an ebike may well balance itself out in that while a cager might notice the gasbike due to it's sound, you've a far better chance of hearing other vehicles while riding a near silent ebike...

...but in the end, we're all invisible *shrug* TBH I've really not noticed much of a difference between the two - oblivious sheeple are oblivious lol forums might have been getting some heat from their cycling purists for the "cheating" ebike section, but I'm happy to say no one around here has anything other than a smile & wave - just yesterday I had a road biker in full uniform draft my ebike for a mile or so (unnerving but ok by me lol), then when we got downtown we chatted whilst fighting for our places amongst the sunny summer Saturday traffic and...

...we may have another ebike conversion heh ;)
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