Motorized Bicycle Animosity


New Member
I feel everyone has the freedom to enjoy and create any form of motorized Bicycle, Moped, Motorcycle or Goped they want to build. When a person starts creating a motorized bike the do research too learn and quite often run into difficult situations during their build. It’s only natural to reach out for help from others who have gained experience with similar builds. I’ve never put someone else for how their projects turn out, or what their projects happen to maybe. I followed the rule too each their own. I no nothing about the members on this website. Had very little interaction with any of the members. I discovered this website years checking out thread someone posted years ago about a motorized clowns bicycle, something I have built several of myself over the years. I posted one of my builds this year, to show what I can do and give more detailed information about building one of the tiny motorized bikes. I been into Mopeds and 50cc motorcycles the past 20 years. I’m on the mopedarmy website every day. There’s some really helpful members and some really nasty members on there. I guess that’s how life is theses days. Lately there’s been a lot of threads about Motorized bicycles, the Chinese engines and kits sold. May put the motorized Bicycle down. Some are interesting in seeing what kind of power gains they could get out of one of the engines, some have ideas of how to really improve upon the kits. The true reason for my thread is a person posted a thread about having their motorized Bicycle stolen and ask for help finding it. Most members felt bad for the person having their motorized bicycle stolen, but the hasty members started in as usual. I don’t like that at all. Especially the 2 threads one member made. I thought you guys should check out the threads for yourself and weight in on this person. If you guys want to express you feelings the nasty members contact is in last picture.


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There's a saying... 'If you want to start a fight?, just post anything on the internet , & wait'. laff

But seriously... If you're gonna be on any form of social media or forum (such as that one), you better develop a 'thick skin'!!

If you really wanna see some internet a-holes?, go to the vintage BMX pages!! Those a-holes will flat out tell you your bike is lame because of how you have your seat & handlebars adjusted!
I’m not trying to start a fight or a war. I just figured you guys may be interested in seeing the thread is all. I been building bikes since my first mini bike. I started out many times with just a frame or engine and nothing else and built a bike. I looked at the builds on this website members have done, they’re amazing and impress me, same as the moped builds. I never put down someone else built or their hobby. Bike builders should respect the common interest of bikes regardless of what they happen to be. I didn’t respond too the thread and won’t. I know how some of the members are. They’re most good people. I think it’s uncalled for to reply like the member did to someone who was reaching out for help after having their bike stolen. Just because you’re not into someone else hobby doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to help them. You’re not going to get someone interested in your hobby putting down their hobby. Maybe you guys can be on the look out for a fellow motorized bicycle hobbyists stolen bike. I’m would like to see the bike found.
I know a person's bike style is their own business, the only time I feel I should point out a flawed design/idea is in safety. There was a guy a couple of years ago that only had front wheel rim brakes that several of us posted warnings about, he ended up flying down into a cul-de-sac and doing a endo when he hit the curb, breaking bones in the process.
Guys like that aren't worth there own spit, I love my ride and my boss thinks it the coolest thing ever, went from Southgate to St.Albert in Edmonton in 35 min with traffic.
If you want respect, buy a Harley. You will get little positive feedback on your motorized bicycle outside of the forums.
There are plenty of good reasons to build a motorized bicycle, but most people that see you riding will think there is something wrong with you.
If you want respect, you have to create something that deserves respect. Build an old style motorized bicycle that looks like an old motorcycle. A board track racer commands "WOW" from the public. On a forum like this yours looks like most of the motorized bicycles, not anything that says "WOW".

Can't build it? Then expect the responses that you get. You have a nice motorized bicycle, you can accept that or up your ante and create something unique.