My Grubee 80 cc stop running about a week ago. It'll start up fine, but when I give it gas, it dies. I'd check the wiring, check for air leaks, change the carb. & spark plug, and still no luck. If anyone have any suggestions, please let me know.
Check the carb tube, sometimes they screw out. Gofast had this suggestion a bit back, I think it fixed the issue(carb main jet brass tube inside the carb bowl)
My Grubee 80 cc stop running about a week ago. It'll start up fine, but when I give it gas, it dies. I'd check the wiring, check for air leaks, change the carb. & spark plug, and still no luck. If anyone have any suggestions, please let me know.
Assuming that means "I did/I have"... Sounds like a fuel issue. Need a little more information. How long between it quits and you get it started again and quits. Will it stay running if you start it and let it idle?
I think I am having the same issue with my bike. I have the same engine kit 2. When I put the choke lever down the engine stops when I try to accelerate but revs up when I have it on idle. If I leave the choke all the way up I can get the engine to accelerate but only while I am pedaling, the engine also slows down sometimes randomly while I am pedaling. I am possibly thinking it has something to do with the peacock. Please help!! Kinskeys let me know if this is the same problem you are having
I never could figure it out, so I just order a new kit from Zoombicycles for $130 with shipping. It's my 2nd motor from Grubee and they both did the same after 1500 miles, so I'm going to try the Flying Horse brand and hope it'll last longer. I just got it in today and it'll be up and running by tomorrow.
You most likely have an air leak somewhere between the carb and the engine. I had the exact same symptoms with a new build I just finished for my son. I found that I did not have the carb fully seated onto the intake manifold/tube. The carb has four tapered slots cut into it. It is a tapered fit and needs to be forced on (carefully) and four slots need to be COMPLETELY over the tube before clamping. Once I got the carb on such that there was a complete seal; wala...worked like a champ.