micargi puma gts newbie build

I've read that a rough surface helps with fuel atomization which makes sense to me, so I got done rough sand paper and sanded a nice cross hatch pattern where I ported it. Hopefully this helps. I've used walbro carb before in rc cars and they work great and easy to tune. I've been thinking of getting one but I'm just working with what I have.
Don't know that much about tuning a engine, so rough surface or smooth. But after 60 years of doing my own fixson i know what carbs work the best.Hope you get it going soon..........Curt
Nothing new to update really but the last time I tried riding it I couldn't get it to turn over. I checked it out and realized the clutch had gotten wet from the rain we've been having so I dried the clutch and sealed up the cover with black silicone. I'll see if that helps it should. I've also been doing allot of reading and I think I'm going to order a new stock intake manifold as I've read that the mis matched ports help on the intake side so I'll try going back to stock.It's been raining here in San Jose and it's been erratic so I haven't had many chances to ride. If the intake doesn't help I might switch the sprocket. I know before porting the intake manifold I got it to go 28mph and ran great so I'm hoping my motor just likes the stock intake but I'll see.
I did replace all the stock fuel supply. I installed a brass fitting on the tank to a shut off valve for a briggs and Stratton(the plastic type), a stainless steel mesh fuel filter, drilled out the stock petcock on the speed carb, and used fuel line from the auto store(i believe 1/4"). The fuel flows very well. Like I've mentioned before I noticed the problem after port matching the intake but I didn't think that could be the issue but I'm gonna test it.
I must of missed that post. Yes it could be ports I guess, but it sure sounds like its not getting enough fuel at WOT under load. Could be dead wrong but seems like somewhere lurking is a fuel flow demand issue that's causing it to slightly starve for gas. Let us know if you solve the issue.
I've tried changing jets to no avail, I've adjusted the float with same results.it runs great under load it's when it goes no load I notice it. I'll give it full throttle when I accelerate(10mph to 23mph) then when I hit my top speed it(24mph) the motor bogs and if I disengage the clutch it revs up and down while I hold wot.I think it's like an air leak but I have no air leak, the intake is sealed and I'm getting good compression.I've tried many things but I haven't tried going back to the stock intake so I'll try that. Can't hurt.
Roughing up the intake surface didn't help. I have a new intake coming so I'll go back to stock one. It took awhile to start today but it's been cold and I haven't ridden it for a few weeks so I guess that's normal. Everything else on the bike has been performing great though.
Finally got my stock intake in and on my bike so I'll are if that helps. The weather should be nice this week and I'm also going to change my gas ratio to about 30:1 but I still have some 20:1 in my tank but the motor does spit some smoke out that's why I want to go with less oil.
Went for a ride with the new intake and still have my problem. I'll try messing with the float. At idle I noticed the fuel in the filter had allot of bubbles but at about 22mph there were none. I am getting allot of vibrations at lower speed but not so much at my top speed.I'm kinda at a loss.what else should I check. I know I kinda answered my own question but still.thanks
So it's tax time and I'm gonna have some extra cash so I'm thinking of getting a better quality and more powerful motor. I want to keep the 2 stroke. I was looking at a motor from dax the little devil. I know I'll have to get a cdi but that's fine I wanted to switch to an external cdi anyhow. What do you guys recommend?
So after doing some research I think I eliminated the gt80 so I think I'll either go with that's dax f80 little evil or the speed racer engine from Jake's. Not sure yet. Which one would you guys recommend.
I ordered a new motor and some other parts. I got the dax little evil motor, sbp throttle, stock cdi, sound deadening pads for the motor covers, and shimano caliper to replace the China crap one I have now. The motor comes silver but after I brake in the motor I'll paint it black
I saw the choke thing coming. From experience, those china two strokes have loose chokes which can cause bogging at wot. But i hope your new motor works great. Also, your bike has too nice a profile to f it up visually with that stupid stock tank, have you considered a rear rack mounted tank? Or something slung under the top tube since you have all that space? Thats a nice chopper and the little tank just isnt doing it any justice, it takes an intelligent looking build and makes it "cute". Imho at least. You have done an excellent job all on your own so who am i to tell you what your bike should look like? Good luck
Thanks.I have thought about a different tank. I don't like the rear mounted tank but I like the small keg style tank under the seat but I don't think I have the room for it there. I don't mind the stock tank though but you're right it does look slightly out of place.
I got my front brake caliper replaced. I feel better knowing I have a name brand caliper now. Im just waiting on Fed ex to bring my motor on Monday, it had gotten delayed it was supposed to be here Friday. Then I need to get my new throttle installed as well. I might mount the kill switch off the bars just to clean it up a bit. I was thinking under my seat on the seat post or one of the bars just above my motor.
Got my new motor installed today. I just need to install the cdi, kill switch, and throttle. I plan on placing the kill switch above the engine on one of the upper bars just under the seat to clean up the handle bars and have clean wiring. It'll still be in easy reach.