micargi puma gts newbie build

I haven't updated this in a long loooooong time so. I did fix the idle issue I was having. Turned out the gasket on top of the carb was bad and making a new one solved it and the motor ran great, idled great just in time for me to....... sell it. I sold it and now am just dreaming of the day that I get to build another bike.
One, two, three...Pelham! "Seize the day" ( sounds better in Latin) but the next build always begins with the dream! If one can imagine it; only then can it become reality.

Rick C.
I have no experience one way or the other, but word on the street is that you want to avoid pliable materials in your engine mounting. theres a thread on here somewhere with some pictures of a snapped frame tube because of this.
basically as I understand the physics of it what happens is that the rubber has that small amount of give when the motor vibrates wich means you feel less vibration through the bike, but this in fact allows the engine to vibrate more. over time the engine being able to vibrate will cut through the rubber under the mount and begin to mangle the frame.

it may be a better idea to use some strips of pop can instead, or if you have some thin steel sheet lying around that would be better. from the looks of that mount you can have the surface under it be slightly too thick and it will still work.

or in a pinch (if you are willing to do so) you can file/sand away some of the metal from the flat mating surfaces of the clamp. ideally a clap like this would have a millimeter or so gap between the two sided of the clap when it is tight.

and as if I handt said it enough, Dude! Sweet bike!
I've been using a thick pieces of leather from a belt on my engine mounts over the years and you want to
install the leather pads then, after a few runs tighten the bolts. I've never had any problems with the engine
moving by doing this even on a 212cc 4-stroke build.