micargi puma gts newbie build

Honesty I can't remember what size rear hub but I'm sure I linked it somewhere in here. I do remember that when I bought it it was listed as for fitting the macargi bikes. I think my sprocket size is 34t but again I don't remember cause its been a couple years now. I'm about 200lbs and it has good low end torque and I get about 38mph on flat ground.
So after almost 6 months I finally took my bike out for a ride today. Took a while to get started but finally got it started but couldn't get it to idle. It ran as great as I remember but it would die when I disengaged the clutch to come to a stop. It would fire right up again but I'd like to have it not do that since it never did before. Any ideas? Or is it just because I haven't risen it in a long time. I'm gonna be riding it more often. I replaced the plug.
Probably a clogged idle jet. Most common carb issue I see on most stuff that comes in. Along with air leaks and clogged main jet. Clean it out with carb cleaner and pin it. Be difficult to find a small enough pin to fit thru it. You can try a wire from a frayed brake cable.

38mph is pretty good, just about all those motors will do.
I was figuring it was a dirty carb. I was thinking maybe the gas got gummed up over all those months. I'll take it off and clean it out. Can't hurt anything anyways. I'm sure I have an old brake/throttle cable I can sacrifice for the cause.
I was figuring it was a dirty carb. I was thinking maybe the gas got gummed up over all those months. I'll take it off and clean it out. Can't hurt anything anyways. I'm sure I have an old brake/throttle cable I can sacrifice for the cause.
Lol I forgot those carbs don't have idle jets. Maybe just old gas. Put some stabil in it. Those 2-strokes just suck period. Yeah clean the carb and see what happens.
I cleaned the carb but that didn't really help. I'm gonna get a new carb seal for my rt carb although I don't think that's the problem but I'll replace it its cheap. I noticed today that the clutch didn't seem to disengage fully and the cable has some slack when disengaged so I'll adjust the cable see if that helps.
Something I left out was that now I have to use the choke whereas I never used to even when its cold. After it warms up it dies at a stop and when I go to start it again, I don't need to use the choke but I have to give it more gas than normal to get it to start. I'm leaning to old gas so I'll have to dump the gas I have and get a fresh tank.
I haven't updated this in a while. I took my motor and and tore into replacing all gaskets and seals. The seal behind the magnet looked cracked and was leaking/falling apart. I plan on painting the motor too while I have it out. I've been wanting it black for a while. I might polish the fins on the head and jug to have a two tone but I'll see.
So as I have my motor completely torn apart I figured while I'm sanding the fins smooth for my paint scheme I might as well pay attention to the part of the motor that matters the most, the inside of the motor. I sanded all casting blemishes and any other imperfections I found. Should make it run slightly better, I hope. I might fatten the carb slightly as it should suck a bit more air. Its fun working on the engine but can't wait to ride my bike again. Oh and I found out I have a flat on my rear tire so I might just get a new tube for cheap insurance as I don't trust the patches I have but maybe I'll just get better ones.
I painted my motor and got it back on the bike. I'll post pics later. I need to replace my back tire tube as it has a hole in a spot that has ridges.
So it does run so that's good but..... Still doesn't idle. Must be a carb issue so I'll have to take it apart. My fuel shut off valve is leaking so I need a new one. The motor seemed to have a bit more torque. I just want it to idle though. The idle mixture screw does nothing.
I haven't updated this in a long time. Im having an issue the motor won't idle at all. It starts quick has tons of power just when I come to a stop clutch off the motor dies. I've rebuilt the engine all new gaskets and seals, rebuilt the carb and sealed it on the intake. Has plenty of fuel flow so the last thing in thinking is electrical but not sure.
Got my motor fully mounted just need to paint the mounts and do everything else but I can check one thing off my list.
Where did you get the piece that mounts from the universal CNC mount tovthe block? I need one for my Micargi Puma. Also what size universal did you purchase?
sweet ride, love the whitewalls, problems kinda sound like carb tune issues. these things have picky carbs, all of them is seems. from last couple post, maybe rich? when you fattened up the carb maybe it was too much? I dunno, but I would suspect the carb over electrical.
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