micargi puma gts newbie build

So today I finally got around to flipping my head around so the spark plug wire from sbp will reach. I tested the spark and it's much brighter now so that's a good thing. I also adjusted the magnet as close as I could get it.
I went for another ride today. It fired up allot quicker and was running great, then my header pipe came loose and was running open exhaust. So I stopped and peddled back home motor off. I thought I secured the exhaust better but guess not. That's why I waited to wrap the exhaust. Oh well I'll fix it and I'll be back in the bike lane.
Today I realized I did a total newb mistake that I'm surprised I did. Today when I went for my ride I had the choke lever up like I always have had it. It was having a hard time starting so I put it down since I thought that was the closed position. Well it fired right up and sprang to life. When I got home I went to work and was thinking about it and I realized I think I had the lever positions mixed up. I looked at my stock carb and I was right I had it backwards. Now I know. Up= closed, down= open. Live and learn right.
Went for a ride today. It ran great awesome power down low but it still stuttered a bit at wot. Not as bad as before and I know you can't have both and I'm still only getting only 22-23mph. I also checked the temps and the motor was 240-250 same with the exhaust which I think isn't bad. I'll check the plug. I'd like to get a bit more speed out of it add it feels like it's being held back but just not sure why. Opening up the choke didn't help, now I'm not sure if it was always open or closed but I know now which is which.
I'm thinking of going to a 32t rear sprocket to get a bit more speed. I ride on a long straight road with no hills and a faster speed limit 45 for cars so if I can get a bit more top end then great. I don't really need the torque
I opened up my carb and checked my float level today. It was at about 18mm without gasket so I made it 21mm like I've read and recleaned the carb again and made sure my cable was tight and made sure I had full wot. I'll see if that makes a difference.
I pulled my plug today and the electrode and porcelain were the same color as a paper bag so I think I'm good with the size jet I have so my issue of bogging at wot must be elsewhere. I'm going to ride it tomorrow so I'll see if adjusting the float and drilling out the stock speed carb petcock were the culprit. I know I should do one thing at a time but I know the float was adjusted wrong from the factory and the petcock was a bottleneck so I don't really care which it was if the problem is fixed. I'll report back after my ride.
Rode it to work today. Fired right up quick without choke on and kinda cold outside. Ran great still had a slight stumble at wot, not as bad but still topping out at 23-24mph. The motor isn't screaming when at wot and kinda sounds like it wants to rev just a bit more. I'm not sure what could be the problem but I'll just keep riding it.It has great low/midrange torque. I haven't tried moving the needle clip but I'm happy with low/midrange it's just the wot I'm having issue with. Should I try a different plug? I'm using the ngk 7(not sure of three exact model number right now). Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
So on my way home from work I noticed it was 4 stroking at wot, I hadn't noticed it before but it was doing it. Also I noticed sometimes it would take a while to get back to idle after letting off the throttle so I'll check the intake manifold seal at the block and carb. I think the carb is sealed but I'll double check both. Would an intake leak cause 4 stroking?
I don't think I have an intake leak as when the motor is running it does go back to idle very quickly. Seems it runs great with no load, so I'm not sure. I'm still only getting 23mph top speed and sputtering at wot. Maybe I'll just go down a jet size. It didn't help before the expansion pipe but I know the pipe changes the motor so I'll try it again. I notice that when the motor is cold it idles kinda high but once it warms up it idles right but I think that's just normal.
Today I was riding and I had my throttle at 3/4 throttle which is about where I cruise but I held the clutch I to disengage it and the motor surged up and down and when I went wot while still holding the clutch the motor lost all power and bogged almost to the point of stalling.I'm sure it's been doing this the whole time but I've never tried seeing how it ran without the load of the bike. What could this be?
Just grab a few cheap plugs for $1.50 or so and use em for tuning. All that needs to be done is warm up the engine to where you know it is fully warmed up then give it a small amount of throttle, turn it off and look at the plug. If it looks OK warmup again and give it a good half to one mile of hard riding and check it again. I was able to tune my mixture in only 2 cheap plugs of 3 I bought. But then my carb has an adjustable jet so tuning was quicker.

Paper bag may be good or it may be just a hair too rich.
I used black rtv to seal the intake to the jug and added a o ring to the cable inlet so it should be all sealed up. The gasket I had made for the intake jug connection was all wet with fuel so I'm sure it wasn't fully sealed. I'll see if that helped.
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So it's not an intake leak that's my issue. I ride it this morning and it still does it. I'm holding the throttle at just past 3/4 with the clutch disengaged and it losses rpms and then comes back up to rpm but doesn't go past the throttle I'm holding it at. I'll try switching out the plug before I swap the jets.