micargi puma gts newbie build

I'm probably going to have to remove my front fender. I was lining up the bracket I have and it looks like the caliper will go right where the fender brace is. I like the fender but I'd like better brakes even better. I'm thinking I'll have to remove the fender anyways just to have room on the axle for the bracket to fit and have plenty of threads for the axle nut. I don't plan on riding in the rain and I don't have a fender in the rear so it'd match. I should have my new bracket tomorrow so I'll see.I'm gonna have to paint my bracket since I got the raw metal one cause the chrome one was out of stock but it'll look good gloss black.
Went for a ride today. It seemed to run smoother but still bogged at the top end but not as bad. I'm gonna go to a bigger jet since going to a smaller jet made it worse. I'm thinking it's getting allot more air than stock since I port matched both intake and exhaust and added the sbp air filter. I'll just go up a jet size at a time till it runs good. From idle to 3/4 throttle it still runs good so I'll mess with the main jet before I mess with the needle.
I'm probably going to have to remove my front fender. I was lining up the bracket I have and it looks like the caliper will go right where the fender brace is. I like the fender but I'd like better brakes even better. I'm thinking I'll have to remove the fender anyways just to have room on the axle for the bracket to fit and have plenty of threads for the axle nut. I don't plan on riding in the rain and I don't have a fender in the rear so it'd match. I should have my new bracket tomorrow so I'll see.I'm gonna have to paint my bracket since I got the raw metal one cause the chrome one was out of stock but it'll look good gloss black.

Yeah you can get away with not using a front fender. I rode a regular bicycle in the heavy rain we had a couple years back quite a bit, with full fenders. The most important fender is the rear. Those shorty rear fenders are pretty much useless- a full one covering the rear tire back up to the 2:00 position is needed, as water leaves the tire in a path tangent to the wheel (perpendicular to radius)
On my way home from work today I decided to try something.I tried leaning it out a bit with my speed carb to see how it ran and it ran worse. I'll go up a jet size and see how it runs. I also got my disc brake bracket in and the caliper and ya I'm gonna have to remove my fender only to have room on the axle.
I ordered a sbp expansion chamber in black today as well as their spark plug wire. I know I'll have to retune but no big deal I was doing that anyways. I hope to have time this weekend to finish installing my front brake and maybe I'll have my pipe by then too.I also ordered a new rear kickstand cause the stock one might be in the way plus it sucks.
I got my disc brake installed I just have to cut the cable to length but the hard part is done.I'll feel better knowing I can stop better. I also got my pipe, spark plug wire, kickstand, and some handlebar mirrors in too. I might have some time in the next two days to install everything. I'm also going to thoroughly clean the carb and go back to stock jet and go from there as I'm only two jets smaller and from what I read the pipe will lean out the motor right.?. I'm gong to go to a 24:1 oil ratio and stay there as it's still smoking a bit with the 20:1 and 32:1 seemed like it was running too hot. Trial and error gotta love it. On a different note I'm loving building this bike and like working on it almost as much as riding it. For my first build I'm having issues but I'm having more fun with it do the issues are worthwhile. Thank you to everyone who have helped and the great info here.
Finished my brake install. I installed the pipe too, not too pleased with how it looks I might try to fit it a different way. Sorry I didn't take pics as it's kinda dark outside.I'm gonna wait to install the wire till after I ride it a couple times. All that's left is to clean the carb.
Re did my exhaust, I'm much happier now with how it looks. I'll try to get some pictures today of everything I've done. I still want to wrap my exhaust too. I miss the fenders but I'm sure I'll like stopping better now.
I had to buy a 90° elbow from Lowe's to get the pipe to fit how it is and I have room between my legs and the pipe and the pedals clear too. I just want to wrap the whole pipe for extra insurance so I don't get burned again, plus it looks cool.I'm also liking it with no fenders but I still like fenders but there's just not enough axle on the front for it with the addition of the brake bracket. Oh well I'll take knowing I'm safer then have a fender.
make sure to put a hanger on that pipe, you dont want it to just be hanging off the engine block, it will eventually shake those bolts out/ snap them.

a small strap should be all you need.
There is a pipe hanger. Near the expansion chamber there is a bracket welded to the pipe and there's a bracket on the frame so it is secure. It's kind of a hidden mount so I'm glad you didn't see it. He he. If you look closely above the expansion chamber there's a blue rubber grommet, that's the mount.
Tried going for a ride. It started but then died after about 15 seconds and I couldn't get it started again, not even a pop. So I gotta diagnose it. I want to get rid of the internal cdi as I've read about issues it has.but on the plus side the front brake works great. Much more secure braking.
I tested my cdi by removing the plug and touching it to the engine head stud. I got a spark, it's a dim spark but I saw it. I tried another plug and got the same result. The plug was a little wet so I'm thinking it's too rich. When I replaced the exhaust I also cleaned the carb and went back to the stock jet so I think I'll go back to the jet I had I there before the pipe. I'll also replace the plug wire to see if I can get a better spark. Anything else I can do to get better spark?