micargi puma gts newbie build

So I got a new nt speed carb installed. I like the fuel inlet although I don't plan on using the fuel cutoff to lean my motor I like the fact that you can clock the inlet which is what I did.I need to adjust my throttle cable. The other thing I like about the carb is the air filter is open to the flow of air like an scoop.it was just too darn hot to go for a ride today. Maybe this weekend or later this week.
So i took it out for another ride. It fired up easy and I got it too idle good. It's running ok since I have allot of oil for break in but that's ok for now.I got about 22-23mph out of it but I hope once I can lower the oil content I will get more mph out of it. My rear fender kinda broke, the upper frame tab broke, no big deal I'll make a stronger one. I took the fender off for now. It did bog a little bit at wot when I did go full throttle for a few seconds but I think it's the oil ratio. I'm gonna seal the carb to intake better although I don't think that's the issue. Just a few tweaks and it should be good to go for the long haul. That's part of the fun though
Motakitty, Glad the new carb went well. I will be watching on how you reinforce those fenders. I believe the Puma and Mustang fenders are the same, and will need re-inforced not only at the short center mount, but also the long fender braces as well.
I'm thinking of making a new L shape tab for the one that broke out of heavier gauge sheet metal but I think that's just gonna make it break at the fender itself. I think the fender is just to flimsy to handle the vibration of the motor so I may just leave it off for good, but I do like the front fender and I like it to match front and rear so I might just make the tab and see how long it lasts.I'll figure something out.
So I took it for another ride today and it rides good but the issue I'm having is when I'm at 3/4 throttle if I go anymore it bogs down and slows and then will come back but it won't go more than 3/4 throttle. My cable is adjusted right, I'm running an e3 plug. I do have an over rich oil mixture right now for break in so I'm not really worried about it right now but I'm just wondering what the issue is, if it's my oil mixture or something else.
What oil mixture are you running? I used to break my engines in at 8oz to a gallon, but really 6 ounces is good. After break in, 4 ounces to a gallon is good. Whatever oil mix you're running, sounds like it's a bit too much for your main jet at wide open. The needle clip position controls fuel flow up to 3/4 throttle, after that it's all main jet.
So I took it for another ride today and it rides good but the issue I'm having is when I'm at 3/4 throttle if I go anymore it bogs down and slows and then will come back but it won't go more than 3/4 throttle. My cable is adjusted right, I'm running an e3 plug. I do have an over rich oil mixture right now for break in so I'm not really worried about it right now but I'm just wondering what the issue is, if it's my oil mixture or something else.

Hey dude, where in sj are you? We should do a ride. I did my first long night ride last night, maybe 35 miles total, rode round trip between San Jose downtown and de anza college and some other places. My muffler is kinda fallin apart got a performance one comin... Sorry to all those ppl I woke up last night with my straight pipe laff

Nice bike!! Those stretch cruisers were made for motors.
Every new two-stroke owner should read this on oil;


It is alot of information, but that's what it is.

I haven't been able to tell how many miles you have on your motor, but I was thinking that it wasn't that many. You should probably hold off on going WOT until it's well broken in. If it is, then disregard this note.

Good luck!
I am running 8oz to a gallon right now. I only went wot for a few seconds as I only have about 20 miles on the motor. I figure after the first two tanks I'll lower the oil mix. I'm in south san Jose by oak grove high school. I'd be up for a ride some time. Pm me
It pulls good until 3/4 throttle that's why I was suspecting the oil mixture. I really want going to do anything about it till I can lower the oil content then I'll go from there as the break in oil mix is still in the tank. I was gonna run a full gallon through it before I lower it
So another update. This motor is shaking this bike like crazy. The chain guard bracket snapped off the frame so I removed the guard no big deal. the brackets that holds the rear of the seat to the seat frame broke so I need to fix that. On the up side the motor runs great and starts up after a few seconds with no choke and idles great.It's been one thing after another but hey that's how it goes. I'll get everything sorted out, it'll just take time.
So another update. This motor is shaking this bike like crazy. The chain guard bracket snapped off the frame so I removed the guard no big deal. the brackets that holds the rear of the seat to the seat frame broke so I need to fix that. On the up side the motor runs great and starts up after a few seconds with no choke and idles great.It's been one thing after another but hey that's how it goes. I'll get everything sorted out, it'll just take time.

1. Chain guard bracket snapped...Front or rear?
2. Photo of broken seat frame?
I'm also thinking of getting those stick on dampers for the insides if the cover plates but not sure if they'll really do anything.

This is my new bracket I made. I didn't use the original holes cause the fender was cracking in that area do i mounted the bracket on the top side where the metal was good.I also reinstalled the fender brace I removed cause I'm sure not having that had something to do with that bracket breaking in the first place. I just need to deal with the seat. I'll probably get a seat without springs unless I can find a strong one. Oh and deal with my headlight bracket too.
Yea with these bikes anything that's not solid enough or secured well enough will just fall off. Prepare to light a spliff and go searching for parts with a flashlight for some instances in the first 200 miles laff

I would just remove that fender since it doesn't look like we're gonna get much rain this year. Just another thing that can fail... And miserably if it does (over the bars).

What's wrong with your seat?
Here's how I mount my lights. The steerer tube has that hole for caliper brakes that regular pedal bikers use to mount headlights, but it would take some super rigid mounting to get it to be solid. I used some u-bolts and aluminum angle stock... Pretty much use angle stock and hose clamps for everything else. This would be a very solid mount under the spring on your springer.


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Fender? I thought it was a chain guard bracket that broke?
Front fender or rear?
Im certain that the lack of fender brace, accelerated this problem.
But it probably would have happened in due time anyway.
It s difficult to tell from the photo, but I believe you've made it more robust than original!
Good job!
I know my Micargi is going to get both fender braces re-inforced before I put too many more miles on it. But Im uncertain on how to accomplish this.
There is a company (WALD) that makes heavy duty fender supports, but Ive never seen one in person, and from photos Ive seen, they don't look to much better than the flimsy Micargi braces. I went to a local bike shop yesterday in hopes of getting a glimpse and feel for what these WALD braces are made of, but the bike shop doesn't stock them...
Im thinking the best route to take, is a 1/2" wide by 1/8" thick strip of 4130 steel, and custom bend it to fit the fender and frame. Then tack weld the brace to the fender on the bottom side. Then eliminate the srews and weld up the holes, and a fresh coat of paint.
1/8" thick x 1/2" 4130 is probably overkill, but I don't think the brace would ever be a problem after that!
This was my rear fender. I like the way it looks too much to take em off but I'll keep a close watch on them and I'll remove them at the first sign of breakage. Under the seat the two brackets that attach the seat to the frame by the springs snapped. I fixed it though, I made some way stronger brackets so it should be good too go.beginner01 that's a solid way of mounting the headlight but I'm looking for a cleaner way of doing it that looks factory.thank you to everyone that's replied and helping me out. I'm really having a good time with this bike and this forum.