micargi puma gts newbie build

I re mounted the rear fender this time with both supports and it's allot sturdier now.hopefully it'll stay intact but I'll monitor it closely. All I have to do is figure out a stronger headlight mount, I know I may have to move the light above the spring but that's ok if it's a stronger mount. I mounted it there before and liked it so either way I'm happy.I just can't wait till I get the bike dialed in and the motor broken in fully.
So I need to get a narrower rear tire to gain some chain clearance. The chain was hungry and ate some of the tire. I'm gonna go from a 26" 2.15 to a 26" 1.6. Unless there's a chain I can use that's thinner. I have a manic hub with 36t The 415 didn't fit around the sprocket so I'm using a 41
So an update. I got the seat fixed, the headlight bracket replaced with a stronger one, the rear fender bracket fixed and I also went to a narrower rear tire(26x1.95) to give me more chain clearance which worked out great. I also port matched my exhaust which helped tons. The motor runs way smoother, I didn't notice it bog down at the upper rpms and I got it too go 26mph. I just finished my first tank and I think I got most of the bugs worked out.I hope to get more mpg once I can lower my oil ratio.
Rode my bike to work today, or at least triedI to. I made it more than a mile then I got a flat. I was at a light and took off and noticed my rear tire was fish tailing a little do i pulled over and noticed my rear tire was flat. I missed work but at least I was ok. I was gonna walk it to a gas station to put air in it but add I was doing so the tube removed itself from the tire and committed suicide in the chain sprocket. Oh well. Time for some hd tubes and tire liners and new tires too as I want both to match. On a better note the motor fires right up and I'm now getting 26mph and it's running allot smoother. I'm on my second tank and can't wait to drop my oil mix. Oh wait I do have to wait. I'm also looking into adding caliper brakes since the bike has provisions for them and I know they're way better than the coaster brake. I also want to get a sbp expansion chamber but one thing at a time
Did you find where the tube got the flat? It sounds like the tube/tire were improperly installed, as normal flats due to pins and small sharp objects are usually pretty slow unless it's a major sidewall cut. Or your rim might have sharp edges. I deburr all holes and file any rough spots.. Especially the valve hole. I had numerous valve flats before i figured out how to mount tires properly. And if the spokes are too long and poke through the liner you gotta grind em down. Most tires have a minimum pressure; this is to prevent pinch flats (which would deflate said tire in an instant). I always carry a tube and pump zip tied to my frame. Have never gotten a flat on MB. Check your rim before you install another tire. rolling on a deflated tire can damage it.
And the brakes.. If you can install a quality front brake, disc or SA 90mm drum, do it. Coaster brake is just fine for back with a quality front. I can help you out if you make the ride to De Anza college... It's about 25 miles... I just did a round trip from there to the bike show on senter took me about 2hrs round trip, including a catastrophic throttle cable failure which I was able to fix on the road.
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I did look at the tube before I chucked it but couldn't find anything so it's possible that I installed it wrong. When I installed it I put the tube in the tire, inflated the tube, deflated it and then installed the tire in the rim and slowly aired it up to 40psi. All seemed ok but I'll take a close look at the rim before I install another tube. Thanks for the offer with the brakes, I would like to install a disc front. I didn't know about a bike show on senter I would've liked to go.
I think I jinxed myself on that last post when I said I never got a flat. I guess I broke a right side spoke, which caused the rim to bend to the left, pushing the tire into the chain and destroying my sidewall. I felt the wobble on the back at 40mph and then the air coming out rapidly. My tube and tire are destroyed. Trued my wheel, now sittin here off curtner waiting for a knobby tire to come from the house.
My bad luck rubbed off sorry. Today I was measuring my wheel to order some new rim tape and found a huge staple in my tire. Mystery solved on my flat. I'm looking at ordering 26x1.75 white walls, mr tuffy tire liners, sunlite thorn resistant tubes, cloth rim tape, bar end mirror. That's about it, I want to bomb proof my tires cause that's the main safely items.
Got my tires, tubes, liners, air filter, mirror, and a couple odds and ends. I got the filter and mirror installed and just have to replace the tires and related parts and I should be on my way. I'll take more pics when I'm done though. The air filter looks awesome I don't even care if it doesn't help with power it looks and fits great. The hd tubes are way thicker than the stock ones too do that's good.
Got the tires tubes and liners installed. The liners were a pain in the behind but after wiping the oil off them they went in pretty easy.I now have tons of clearance between the drive chain and tire/frame. I also noticed that the fender brace I made broke but not sure if it was already broken or if I broke it getting the wheel off so I made a brace from a piece of reinforced rubber but I'll keep a close close eye on it before I ride every time. I went with sunlite thorn resistant tubes, kenda 26x1.75 street white walls and mr tuffy silver liners. Hopefully I'll be able to ride reliably for awhile.I still need to add a battery source for my speedo but I have a tiny 2 cell Lipo that will work perfect for it I just need to hook it up, the speedo had a button cell in it so it works but it's mainly for back up.I forgot to take pics I will next time I ride it
I know I'm missing a screw on the magneto cover.The hole was stripped from day one but I just noticed the screw fell out. Helicoil here it comes.just something else I have to take care of. Never ending
The front of my rear fender completely broke off so the fender is going bye bye. The front fender is holding up great though. I also noticed a silverish sludge liquid on the frame under where the carb is. Not sure where it came from but just thinking it's gas leaking from the carb when I have it parked but haven't really looked at it that closely. The crankcase doesn't seem to be leaking and my power hasn't decreased, actually every time I ride it it seems to be getting more power. It went 28mph today so I'm thinking 30mph isn't too far fetched. I'm really looking into adding a front brake, I'd like a disc but it would just look out of place so I'm looking a drum brake and a caliper brake seems better than none but not as good as a drum. I just have to free up some funds to do so but brakes are my next upgrade for sure cause there are some dumb drivers on the road.
So I took the rear fender off and fixed my seat again.I rode it today and all went well it even topped out at 29mph. I want to remove the springs from my seat as I don't like how the seat moves it makes me feel like the bike is coming out from under me. Id rather get direct road feedback.
So I finally went through my first gallon so I'll be going to I believe 16.1 oil 4oz to a gallon. Today I also port matched my intake, added a o-ring to my intake to carb connection. Noticed my engine mounts were a little loose so I tightened them up and did away with the rubber strip under my front mount and replaced it with a strip of metal. I'm gonna need a new exhaust stud too as mine is a little stripped but it's still holding. Might look into stage 8 looking fasteners. Oh and added a 2 cell Lipo for my speedo so the backlight works and will last a long time too.I've been meaning to do the battery since day one.