micargi puma gts newbie build

Cheaper to get a 4 1/2 " angle grinder with a cut off disc, than a dremel, better for that kind of work. LOL..........Curt
Ryobi angle grinder $30 at home despot. Skinny cutoff wheels $3 a piece. My hacksaw hasn't been touched since I bought this tool. The more expensive ones have speed control and more hp, but honestly the cheapest 4.5" one is the best.
I was looking at the hf one for about $20 I can get the grinder and wheels but I still don't have that much in my bank right now. I cut the long cut already I just have the top and bottom to cut which isn't that much. I'm gonna do the best with what I have right now.

Finished cutting it out, I might fix the top a bit but overall I'm happy with how it turned out considering I used a dremel, drill, and hacksaw.

The throttle cable will go threw the bigger hole at the top. I might add a grommet to prevent the metal from messing the cable up. It'll add allot more strength and add spots to place other things. All that's left is to prep the frame and get it welded up.
Cool. Put your seat post in before welding. It will strengthen the seat tube significantly and you won't have trouble with it not going in because of weld that penetrated through the seat tube metal. Saw a guy on endless sphere have to buy a seat tube reamer to clean up the welds from the inside... BUT it will be welded in so it won't move..
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Or just don't over penetrate. In all reality, that's just as bad as under penetration. Test weld on similar sized scrap, adjust your amperage properly, and you shouldn't have problems.
K thanks cause there's a hole in the bracket I made that was already there so I'd like to fill it with something and it's a perfect spot for a kill switch. I'm actually looking at a rocker switch but a toggle switch would be easier to just flick the motor off
The kill switch I have isn't grounded to the frame. It's the rocker one from sbp. I believe it just has two wires going into it so it's basically just a normal rocker switch. correct? If I just replaced it with another switch it should be the same thing. Sorry if that seems like a dumb question. I'm good at electrical but maybe not the details of it.
Then one of the wires must be a ground wire. Just hook it up like it was and if it work backwards ( on instead of off )just switch the wire around...........Curt