Micargi GTS Stretch **First Timer** HELP!


New Member
Hello all,

I am a newbie and have not fully browsed through the site so forgive me if I haven't seen the right thread.

Anyway, I just ordered the Micargi Mustang GTS from 2wheelbikes.com along with my 80cc motor from Zoombicyles. Since this is my first project, could someone please provide me with all the information, parts and pictures that I would need to complete my project? Like DIY steps and where I can buy the necessary parts? I want to have everything ready and in front of me before I start building as I hope to complete it in one day.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and wish me luck!
Plan on upgrading the brakes. You surely need to add atleast a front brake. The 72 spoke wheels are a bit of a pain to install the normal sprocket on. There is a lot of info on this site if you go up to the search icon under the bicycle at the top of the page, not the google search bar. You should probably plan on, eventually, upgrading the wheels to sealed bearings rather than the bb type bearings. If you plan to go that far, order one of the heavy duty axle kits that are available, with freewheel or not, that has a band brake for the rear. Just a few suggestions to get you started.
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Thanks for the info so far! I'm currently reading through the previous threads but am concerned about where to get the necessary parts? So far from reading the posts, it looks like I'll need a special sprocket, upgraded bearings, an engine mount and brakes. Since I am really new at this, which websites or stores should I be going to part numbers? My bike and motor will be shipped in a few days so I hope to have all the necessary parts and tools in front of me rather than post multiple "help" postings. haha.

Thank you all!
Here's a link for the sprocket... MANIC Mechanic Parts.htm

I wouldn't worry about the bearings, I built one of these for a homie & his bike is fine with the stock bearings.
Your also gonna need a few extra links of chain (for both chains), a second chain tensioner to make the pedal chain clear the engine & maybe longer cables.

Check out my website for pics of the stretch cruisers I've built to see what I'm talking about.
Thanks the info! After a few replies I am getting a better understanding of what to purchase. Please see below and correct me if I am wrong,

For the engine mount, I should get this one?

For the sprocket, bearing chain tensioner and HD 415 chain, I am okay with purchasing the ones on Pirate Cycles?
Grubee Skyhawk Gas engine kit

I'm not sure if I have the right part name/# down but please let me know if you know where else to get them.

Also, as for extra links and and longer cables, where can I get these and how much should I get? I saw a few items on Sick Bike Parts but am not sure if those would fit.

Thanks a million guys!
Hello all,

I am a newbie and have not fully browsed through the site so forgive me if I haven't seen the right thread.

Anyway, I just ordered the Micargi Mustang GTS from 2wheelbikes.com along with my 80cc motor from Zoombicyles. Since this is my first project, could someone please provide me with all the information, parts and pictures that I would need to complete my project? Like DIY steps and where I can buy the necessary parts? I want to have everything ready and in front of me before I start building as I hope to complete it in one day.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and wish me luck!

MbZ65, here's RedB66's break down list for his latest stretch build, also see his updated post for motor mounts!

Here's the link: http://motorbicycling.com/f40/sneak-peek-orange-crush-16116.html

Re: Sneak Peek at "Orange Crush"
RedB66's reply to me regarding his break down list of parts, suppliers, and how to's for this build!

The frame is from Masterlowrider.com
Tank is custom from ACME Labs
66cc Slant head with chrome covers
Husky 12ga wheels with Manic Mechanic 28T
Handlebars are 780mm Super Wide Cruiser
Fenders are Nirve Street Sweepers
The mounts are a evolution from my original idea.
Updated "Stretch" cruiser mounts: http://motorbicycling.com/f40/updated-stretch-cruiser-mounts-15926.html

I tried to detail the bike as much as I could... The brake, clutch and throttle cables are orange, as is the fuel line and housing for the CDI wires.

There is a 12V power supply tucked up under the seat that powers a orange LED tube thats tucked under the tank. Looks pretty cool at night!!

Aftermarket Billet aluminum grips with tear drop mirror.

Here's the link for RedB66's Micargi Stretch Mustang build: http://motorbicycling.com/f40/redb66-s-t-r-e-t-35.html

From RedB66's post:
Started with a Micargi GTS Mustang. Added a few extras: Dual pull brake lever, push button clutch, K&N style air filter, Baby-Bee tail light with visor, 9volt headlamp with visor. Made the motor mounts myself, went with u-bolts to preserve the frame. I'm not too big on drilling holes through the frame and wasn't quite sure that the forward engine placement would work. So far so good. Ordered a Nitrous Kit mainly for cosmetic purposes, with the style air filter I have it should be an easy.

Originally Posted by biker View Post
that is one beautiful ride. how long did it take you to build it redb66. i imagine you are just one big smile when you cruise down the road. very nice indeed!

RedB66's reply to forum member biker.
Took about one week to complete once I gathered all the parts. This is actually my second build. It is "Nice to Ride", I get compliments everywhere I go and have had a couple offers for it....upwards of $900. "Not For Sale"....but I can build another one!!

MBz65, there are many other post's here in the Stretch Cruiser & Chopper Lowrider motorized bicycles forum, where some of our most talented stretch cruiser builders give very detailed build list's showing the who what where for their builds.

Check post's on stretch cruiser builds by AzBill, Civlized, Venice Motor Bikes, i-paint, graucho, longhair, rockvoice, maxvision, brett mavrick, these guy's are very talented and as you've seen by their reply's offering guidance or suggestions a very helpful group of guy's who like sharing their knowledge and skills for building awesome motorized bikes!

MBz65, my suggestion to you is take your time don't rush your first build, you'll have more hair and less headaches during this build trust me if you take your time to get it just right!

Peace Crazy Horse
26'' Micargi Mustang GTS Chopper Bike - Buy Chopper Bicycles Online - Micargi C BikeBerry.com

Check this out Venice. I really don't remember what spoke wheels came on mine, but I know it had more than what is on that bike in the picture. Didn't know that had made that change.

Yep, the bike in that pic has 36 spoke wheels; but other Micargi stretches have 68 spoke wheels. (Thats why Jim makes those 68 special spoke sprockets.)

I guess mbz65 should wait until his new bike arrives to see what wheels they put on it! :D
I wouldn't reccomend the Mustang GTS. I'd go with the Puma GTS. The down tube is larger. I have cracked two Mustang frames.
RedB66, I think they stopped making the skinny down-tube frame,,,
my bike is a Mustang GTS and it has the thick, curved down-tube :)


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the latest catalogue from Micargi shows the mustang GTS as having the skinny down-tube and the mustang lx as having the curved tube
I called micargi in cali (I wanted the large, curved down-tube), and they don't import the lx anymore and my gts has the curved tube
maybe bikeberry has old stock or are just using what the catalogue says ???

bottom-line,,,look for the stronger curved down-tube :)
Take your time Bro ,not many of us could throw one of these things together in one day ,even with everything in front of you .
MotorBikes seem to demand more time to get right, stretchers even more so.
Take your time Bro ,not many of us could throw one of these things together in one day ,even with everything in front of you .
MotorBikes seem to demand more time to get right, stretchers even more so.

Very, very good advice. I know how hard it is to be patient instead of just rigging up something, but the payoff is surely there for taking your time, being patient, and working through the bugs before you get out on the road, especially with stretches.
Thanks for everyone's advice and suggestions!! I really appreciate it and of course I will take my time in my first build and will post pictures as I go along. I am still searching and reading through the posts so I can gather as much information as possible. I am sure you guys will hear my "help" replies if anything comes up! hahah

I'll keep in touch! thanks again everyone!