Luke's new race bike 1-week build thread.

New setup teaser pics.



After about 60 man-hours of work, it lives again!!!

And hopefully this time it won't burn up before it can finish a race! :-||


Here it is getting dyno tuned, and doing sustained 11hp testing (which it's not quite able to do, even with the big fan on it). It's hooked up with my small charger (only 9kw). That charger takes about 14minutes to charge the bike from empty to full. My fastest charge setup could do it in about half that time, but the damn dyno room has 3phase 440v and my fast charger needs 3 phase 220...

Whooosh, that was Luke just went by, lol. Good luck kid, keep up the good work!

Thanks mate :-)

Bike goes hard (for a bicycle at least).

I'm up against some built >200cc engines with CVT trannys, and the usual field of morini's as well, so it's definately got it's work cut-out for it.

We are re-gearing to sacrifice some top speed in favor of needing reduced phase amps to the motor, and hopefully this will help with the temperature issues we're currently fighting.

If it burns up, it burns up. That's racing, but i would REALLY like to race more than 5 minutes this time before it melts down. lol :-)
You guys impress me with your builds and the work you put into it. I would not mind playing with your technology some day but I am just a gas smelling gear head deep into it for now.

See ya at the track...Jeff
After about 60 man-hours of work, it lives again!!!

And hopefully this time it won't burn up before it can finish a race! :-||

Here it is getting dyno tuned, and doing sustained 11hp testing (which it's not quite able to do, even with the big fan on it).
What battery voltage are you using?

I count about 17 ebikes so far for the Grange race this Sat 22nd.
88.8v system.

Just had my 2nd hookworm flat in 5 miles of practicing... This time it rolled off the bead and I wrecked. Thank God for good gear, I'm only bruised up, and it slid on the non-controller side. On top of that, the hookworm is worn smooth down the middle all ready with 5 miles of riding on it...

I thought mebbe you were going to use the moped tires?

I was going to, but I didn't want to hear bimoped crying about me winning because of moped tires...

I'm going to try gluing the tire onto the rim and see if that helps. A tire is still going to wear out before a single race is completed though. These things were designed to have 0.5hp for short periods put through them... I'm putting right about 11hp through it, corning a 100lbs bike with a 235lbs rider for extended periods, that's 22 times the power load the tire was designed to handle!

Safety wise, it's like making a rule for a rock climbing event that all safety ropes must be twine only. Twine works great on a hay bale, but it gets people hurt as a climbing rope.
go back to the moped tires, Neil said it was ok. plus, i wanna see your bike on the track, and not watch it do a ten second burn-out that smokes the tire...:)
I was going to, but I didn't want to hear bimoped crying about me winning because of moped tires... .
I said you and all the other ebikers could use the Pirelli's so that makes you the whiner :D.

You must be feeling guilty about me letting you race with that oversized electric motorcycle motor.:D

8" diameter x 5" thick!!!

RWP did some calculations for me the other day and it is way over 11.99 hp at
constant power and peaks even higher, but I said you can race it at Grange so stop crying. I am good to my word and I get the last one when it comes to any rules.

I just want to see you finish a race without burning up and provide some competition for the AGK #81 monsta 20 hp bike.

PS: agk's 20 hp harbor freight ran on Maxxis hookworms at Willow Springs
and lapped the 2nd place 9 hp Morini.
Yep, you said I could run them, and I bought them and made a set of wheels up, and I should have used them, but saving 10lbs off the bike and having larger diameter wheels was temping... I made the wrong call, and now my frame is too low to put the 20" wheels on without my pedals hitting... But, whatever, it's still damn good machine.

Today I went from 24t motor sprocket to 19t, and the motor runs a good deal cooler now. Controller runs a bit cooler as well, and the bike comes off corners with more punch.

As it sits, here is the current state of things:

Things that I'm 100% happy with:

Motor performance and temp
(new gearing setup makes the motor run MUCH cooler)
Controller (mega PITA to setup, but feels really damn good at this point.)
Throttle feel and control.
Brake lever feel.

Things I'm marginally/OK with:

Brakes DID fade on me twice now in practice, pads were smoking heap the second time. I'm going to put some racing pads and high temp racing fluid in the system and see how it performs.
Front fork is more flex than I want. I'm going to see if I can run some all-thread through the fork body and put a little clamp load on it.
Rear wheel feels flexy when cornering hard.
Motor position causes foot to bump once in a while when transitioning which pedal is up weaving through corners (but it's a mild complaint).

Things I'm STRONGLY displeased with:

Tires. They slip, they are wearing out in under 10 miles of practicing, they get flats randomly from rolling part way off the bead and pinching the tube. They ROLL CLEAR OFF the bead in hard corners and you crash... NOT COOL.

Rear wheel feels very noticeably flexy, and it's single wall, which may be a big part of the tire falling off the bead issue. I'm going to try to get a new double-wall strong 24" downhill bike rim and re-lace that hub into it tomorrow, and see if the tires stay on the bead that way.

Overall, it feels like a machine that will hopefully hold it's own against the 200cc 4-stroke bikes with million gear transmissions that I'm going up against. I think it's going to be a **** of a good race, and I'm damn excited!
it might help to scuff up the inside edges of the rim so the tire grabs better. my brother does that on his crazy downhill mountain bikes, 'cause he had the same problem.
That was frikkin awesome. I had a smile on my face the whole time I watched that video. Good frikkin job. I loved seeing you fly by those bikes and then the camera pans down and you see your on a (home-build frame) bicycle frame whatever you wanna call it. But that was rad. Thanks for the awesome video and what a track to be able to ride on... from where im from , that track is only available in a video game. Gj gj gj. laff