Ludwig goes forth

It's that time of year, the Spring festival. Tomorrow I'm off to Swanage again, got a new busker amp, more volume so I can be heard. 25w RMS,£60, not bad at all. A limited set of "sounds", none of which are modelled digitally, so it suits me.

We have an old friend returning with resonator in hand, and another friend coming down for his first time with a bass. Should be interesting.
Tomorrow I'm away for a week, we are stayng in a friend's holiday home at the seaside. I mean AT the seaside, it's just the other side of the wall.

There will be a touch of guitar playing involved, but not much as it's a holiday for both of us. Savage killer beast is coming with us.


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Future world domination tour of Amsterdam 3 - 8 July, high tech houseboat booked.


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I'm back. The July trip is going ahead but one member of the party may drop out with health issues, which is unfortunate all round. Be that as it may, I shall go forth and be rowdy.
The great Netherlands invasion is all set. On Sunday 2 of us fly from the airport round the corner, the 3rd is going by train all the way from SE London. The 4th flies from one of the London airrports (he told me which one but it left an indelible blank) on Monday, returning Wednesday.

The guitar called Victor now sits, neck unscrewed, in the suitcase. Venues for listening and participating have been found, and I'm hoping for 5 minutes with a bakbrommerfiets.


This is the boat, but not the location for it.
Breaking news! I found the greasy spoon by the ferry, and the HQ of a big company that sells cheap things and has a shop within the building, both a short walk from the houseboat.
Food and Cheap Stuff. Sounds like things are off to a good start.

By the way, a friend and I were having a discussion about a breed of cattle native to the Netherlands. Friesian. I used to be in the livestock business, primarily cattle, and our discussion was centered around that. He thought I wouldn't know about the breed but I did and I think it was originally from the area where you are now. Believe they were a dairy breed and were crossed-up with the British Holstein hundreds of years ago. I suggested that the likely aren't any pure-bred Friesians left. But, if you happen to run into one snap a photo please. I'll be glad to admit my ignorance and make my buddy happy at the same time.

Have a good trip.

I am back. Played music 4 nights out of 5, on the other one we supported, bravely, the local catering economy.
I doubt it, but there will be some stills once I club the takers into submission.

There might be a video from CC Muziek Cafe, I actually "sang" a jazzy Red House in memory of a sax playing friend who died last year.

The trike is a bakbrommerfiets, they're not widely used now, but they're still around.
The ship with the letters on is the Botel. Guess what it's used for.
The pink thing is a statue at the Noorderlicht bar.
The building is social housing using containers.
Finally, the houseboat in it's original location.


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This first one is my brother Ken with a painting our friend bought, the other is Architecture, the Kraanspoor(Crane Track) office building. For some reason they used the old crane foundations which required a lightweight construction on the top of it. I think they realised it was never going to be pretty, so they made it as ugly as they could instead.

3rd, international and intercontinental performer at work.

4th, me and the picture.

5th, my other brother, The Grate Marko, recognises a submarine.


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More pics from the other phone.

1. With Lamar Chase at Maloe Melo. The glamour of international music, on the flight path to the gents.
2. Another shot from Bourbon Street Cafe.
3. CC Muziekcafe. Theo Mosquito ran the band there as well as at Bourbon St.
4. A relaxing afternoon. I deny any suggestion of insobriety.
5. There is an explanation. I don't have it, but there is.


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    The glamour of international music. Right next to the karzi flightpath. With Lamar Chase..jpg
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    CC Muziekcafe. With Theo Mosquito &band.jpg
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