Loosing Power/Slow Speed


New Member

I recently bought a 80CC engine from Spooky Tooth Cycles. I am having quite a problem with it! Whenever I hit the speed of 21 MPH, the engine basicily looses its tourque and really jolts down and the piston speed really slows down fast then it goes back up and hits 21 MPH then does the same thing again. I dont have any air intake leaks, the gas has a steady stream down the hose, and I am using 20:1 Ratio (I am still breaking it in). I am trying to use this as my prinary vehicle for the next few months since I am in the mandatory evacuation zone of Houston for Hurricane Ike and there is not much gas availible. It has been 4 days that I have been riding is now and the problem just started today. I have been using the throttle at full often (I just found out I am supposed to not go over 15 MPH). Anyways, did I brake the engine always going full throttle during break in and now it can handle the power of 21 MPH. I heard some of these engines can reach top speeds of 45 MPH so there must be something wrong with my engine. Please help!




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I forgot to mention that when I first attatched the fuel line and turned the petcock on, fuel for some reason came pouring out or somwhere from the carb. Then after turning the petcock off it would stop pouring out. Then after a few ons and offs it stopped doing that.(?) I have hit 27 MPH on it before so I wish I could fix the problem easily and go o my way.:( Thanks
I had the same problem one time....turned out to be lose motor mounts.

Right when I would hit 23 mph the motor would bog down. back off for a second and pick up speed...as soon as I would hit 23 it would bog down again.

I have a video of it but still need to download it.

Do you notice any vibrations? I noticed some vibration on my pedals but thought the motor was running a little ruff. Turn out the mounts where just a little lose...not enough for the motor to move around but just enough to cause a small vibration.

With the vibrations I would assume it affected my carb.
Oh by the way...45 mph? Mine will top out at 34-36mph with a 44t sprocket. But that is twisting the motor real hard. They will not last long at the speed.

I ride my mine 20-25 mph...usually no more then 23 mph.
i had that problem it turn out to be air leaks in my fuel lines and i would check the little fuel filter in your tank could be pluged up a bit
Oh by the way...45 mph? Mine will top out at 34-36mph with a 44t sprocket. But that is twisting the motor real hard. They will not last long at the speed.

I ride my mine 20-25 mph...usually no more then 23 mph.
Thanks for the speed suggestion. I guess I should buy a shifter kit if i want to go faster than that. BUT, YOUR MOTOR MOUNT IDEA WAS RIGHT!!!! IT IS PERFECT LIKE NEW NOW! Thanks you so much! I appreciate it so much.
I had the same problem one time....turned out to be lose motor mounts.

Right when I would hit 23 mph the motor would bog down. back off for a second and pick up speed...as soon as I would hit 23 it would bog down again.

I have a video of it but still need to download it.

Do you notice any vibrations? I noticed some vibration on my pedals but thought the motor was running a little ruff. Turn out the mounts where just a little lose...not enough for the motor to move around but just enough to cause a small vibration.

With the vibrations I would assume it affected my carb.

I would have never thought of that if I ran into this on my bike. Vibrations must have been causing bubbles in the Gas (Cavitation ?) That why I read this forum (I read for 2 months before I joined) no where elese could you get information like this on these motors. Thanks

Yes, it acts just like the motor is starving for fuel.

My first thought was the float adjustment was too low and was running the fuel bowl out of fuel and when I would back down it would fill just enough to keep running.

But after checking my carb and finding nothing wrong I knew I had a problem elsewhere.

This was a while back and I never before had my mounts come lose. And I check them more often now but too this day they have not come lose except for when my rear mount broke.

I recently bought a 80CC engine from Spooky Tooth Cycles. I am having quite a problem with it! Whenever I hit the speed of 21 MPH, the engine basicily looses its tourque and really jolts down and the piston speed really slows down fast then it goes back up and hits 21 MPH then does the same thing again. I dont have any air intake leaks, the gas has a steady stream down the hose, and I am using 20:1 Ratio (I am still breaking it in). I am trying to use this as my prinary vehicle for the next few months since I am in the mandatory evacuation zone of Houston for Hurricane Ike and there is not much gas availible. It has been 4 days that I have been riding is now and the problem just started today. I have been using the throttle at full often (I just found out I am supposed to not go over 15 MPH). Anyways, did I brake the engine always going full throttle during break in and now it can handle the power of 21 MPH. I heard some of these engines can reach top speeds of 45 MPH so there must be something wrong with my engine. Please help!



Hey, I have been using the heck out of my bike because of Ike here in Houston Hope you solve the problem, Might be the plug fouling out, that is what mine did because of the extra oil during break-in. Glad you did not blow away and hope your house is ok too.