looking to buy a stretched frame


New Member
can anyone lead me in the direction of where to buy a long stretch frame, im looking to do a project but doin it on a budget, so im lookin for a sick frame to start off with, thanks b safe
I think I read on here somewhere that the Green Line is weak also. But someone else will have to chime in on that.

I have read the same thing about Micargi frames, as what venice said. I chose to get one anyway and try it. I have over 2000 miles on a Micargi Mustang with an atv engine and have had no cracking. Maybe I got the good one!
I've gotten over 5K miles on my mustang now,,,
I think when they stopped importing the skinny down-tube frame, and went with the fatter, curved one, it helped in that regard

it also could be that 4cycles (like Civilized and I use) inherently vibrate less and therefore cause less metal fatigue
can anyone lead me in the direction of where to buy a long stretch frame, im looking to do a project but doin it on a budget, so im lookin for a sick frame to start off with, thanks b safe

Jason, any decision on a stretch cruiser frame yet?

I assume you've checked the thread companies selling Stretch Cruisers & Choppers, let us know if you need more information!

Peace Crazy Horse..flg.