Looking for information on how to contact my congressman to lobby for TX Law change


New Member
Talking with Quentin at EZM the other day about TX laws in regards to Motorbikes, he suggested contacting my congressman. I've never done this,...however, I am willing to give it a whirl and try whatever has been proven to work.

I am open to ANY suggestions from anyone who has had success in this area.

Any Suggestions or links to threads??

Brian Collins
Austin, TX
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Re: Looking for information on how to contact my congressman to lobby for TX Law chan

Google his name, and send him an e-mail.
Re: Looking for information on how to contact my congressman to lobby for TX Law chan

No idea who my congressman is. Is there only one or are there several? Would I just google "Texas congressmen"?

or,....is there a congressman who deals with transportation issues,....

Brian in Austin
Re: Looking for information on how to contact my congressman to lobby for TX Law chan

Congressmen cant change state laws.
Re: Looking for information on how to contact my congressman to lobby for TX Law chan

I think they tried to teach us about this stuff in school.... Maybe I should've paid attention!! laff
Re: Looking for information on how to contact my congressman to lobby for TX Law chan

I am in texas as well(granbury,ftworth area)....I have had no problems by the cops and I have been pulled over twice for failure to use hand turn signal and for a tail light flickering at night....They just gave me warnings to fix the problem and use my hands for turning....Other than that I have been fine....I would like to see the the laws in texas changed as well,just in case I run into a problem with a cop....
Re: Looking for information on how to contact my congressman to lobby for TX Law chan

Brian contact your state sen or state representative for your district in Austin, google is your friend.
Re: Looking for information on how to contact my congressman to lobby for TX Law chan

On their web site look under NEWS top left...tavern / legal issues is a catagory toward the bottom of the main page of this web site.
Re: Looking for information on how to contact my congressman to lobby for TX Law chan

Wild I dont mean to diss you but what matters is what the law says and what the cops do, youll be the one getting the ticket and paying the fine plus going before the judge.