I hear what your saying, I just think there is a need for a counter point that lighting from the white wire is reliably, cheaply and easily achieved simply using a battery and a diode. I find it difficult to take that it robs the engine of any real hp. The white wire is its own winding, so it cant steal spark. The magnet and windings are tiny. could they steal more hp than a psi in the tire?A single diode simply clips off the negative ~7V part of the magnetos AC single so you are only drawing half the potential thus only half the power loss for generating power from the engine.
A full wave 4 diode rectifier turns that negative pulse to positive so you get both sides of it, all AC power supplies and even those little brink chargers you use for nay low voltage use this.
In short a pulsed trickle charge to you battery so not a constant drain and why you don't feel it so much.
Our DON'T USE THE WHITE WIRE stance is simple.
It takes power to use and store power.
You can do it with your little 2-stroke gas/oil mix engine at the expense of riding power and gas mileage, or use your home AC and charger and store a weeks worth of power in a little Lithium Ion battery for less than a penny and let your engine put all it's power to your wheel 100% of the time.
I do understand that if every little 1/100 HP is trying to be squeezed out then it isn't for you. I think the benefit outweighs the negatives in this case. Until the power demand exceeds what is available, or we can't get white wire magnetos anymore