Leif of the High Desert So Cal

Leif E Grina

New Member
Hello, I am new to bicycle motoring. (c) Butt have riden Motorcycles and wrenched most all of my life.
I am 51 years old and ride for my health. Now that I have seen a motorized bicycle. I want to find the right two stroke 65/70cc kit for my Peugeot Orient Express.
I am finding it little confusing reading all the adds over the net. What I realy want to find is a known dependable dealer in or around the Southern Calif. regine.
I can be reached at [email protected]
You are going about it the right way. It is my opinion that the engine itself seems to be pretty much the same. Either that or I just got lucky. My engine is fine it's all the little nit picky additions that weren't so good. But there is only the clutch lever that is really different from one to another I think.

I don't know a dealer anywhere personally, so just find out who is near like you said. I expect any of them can fix you up with upgraded parts in your kit. I bought mine from ebay.
(p) Welcome!

I doubt you will find a local dealer for the kit. But you never know. Most all are order over the net, eBay, etc. DAX is a reputable seller. The guy I bought from has a variable reputation - but he was highly recommended, yet luck of the draw, I got a non-functioning carb. But it was less than $200 to my delivery bay (which is a fancy term for my front porch or garage if I'm home rotfl ) and I've probably got another whopping $30-40 into the thing which includes my $22 carb from ThatsDAX, dual level brake, chain splitter, beer, gas, oil from my stock, etc! Already have that much fun out of it.

So bottom line - HANG LOOSE - if you have been wrenching your entire life, well the kit is a bit like buying a basket case. Ignore the instructions and do it right!:ride2:
welcome to the forum leif. look forward to seeing your new motorized bicycle when you get it all done. glad to have you with us :ride2:
Good to have you here Leif. Motorbikemike is out of Sacramento you might want to drop him a line, I've done alot of business with him...Kelly:ride2:
Welcome to the Forum. Read a little and feel free to ask any questions prior to your purchase......and after.
Welcome to the forum and I hope you find the right engine to fit your needs if you have questions on which one or who's to buy MP is the way to go as it will be private and not hurt the feeling of anyone. Feel free to PM me if you want.