Leaky Petcock


New Member
Leaks where the seams meet on the top plate where it reads on-off-res. I tried tightening up the little screws to no avail. Any suggestions, or should I just send for a new one?
The stock petcock is a terrible design once you try a petcock from Sick Bike Parts! They call it a Precision Fuel Petcock with Barb (Item # SBP-FV007) for $9.95. It is the best $10 I have spent so far on my bike. Paul, the man in charge of sales, spent 30 minutes on the phone with me teaching me how to properly apply some teflon paste so insure to leaks and offered me further support whenever I need it! Try it; you will be satisfied!
briggs and stratton makes a plastic one for mowers that works fine for MB's.i don't know the part number off hand, but i'll get it today
I ordered a brass petcock from boygofast and have had no further problems. My stock petcock cracked during installation.
The stock petcock is a terrible design once you try a petcock from Sick Bike Parts! They call it a Precision Fuel Petcock with Barb (Item # SBP-FV007) for $9.95. It is the best $10 I have spent so far on my bike. Paul, the man in charge of sales, spent 30 minutes on the phone with me teaching me how to properly apply some teflon paste so insure to leaks and offered me further support whenever I need it! Try it; you will be satisfied!

Yeah me too. Their valve is really solid, with a great handle, but still compact. I tried a plastic lawn mower one and it felt really cheezy. And was not smooth at all. The SBP is the cows nutz.
I ordered one from SBP, but I think the carb is leaking from the bottom. My whole garage reeks of gasoline. Still running though; I had to put some electrical tape under the throttle grip because the plastic nipple broke off. This is turning into one helluva turd-polishing contest!
I think I'll look at some motorcycle parts tomorrow to see if they work with the engine: My clutch lever spring popped out when I was riding in front of my house tonight.

In spite of all these little irritations, I really love this bike! I already have my next build planned, all I have to do is save up around a thousand bucks.rotfl
I think I'll look at some motorcycle parts tomorrow to see if they work with the engine: My clutch lever spring popped out when I was riding in front of my house tonight.

In spite of all these little irritations, I really love this bike! I already have my next build planned, all I have to do is save up around a thousand bucks.rotfl

Love / hate thing for sure. But the tinkering and learning is part of the beauty too. When ever possible, I replace the lil WTFs (Things that break at the worst possible time) with ATV or dirt bike parts. They are made to put up with a lot more then a MB can do so outlive any 3 engines. It costs a great deal more $, but I never have to worry about that part again. That and they look like overkill.

I finally decided to focus on developing a particular manner of kit with "upgradeable" in mind. Because what I would like in a kit would cost around $1,000, lol.
Not sure if this is usual: the petcock is right at the tank. If I don't ride for a few days , the fuel in line has dropped about 1 inch. So the fuel drained into the carb..I'd like to put another petcock where the fuel line enters the carb. Has anyone noticed this drainage prob, and moved or added another pc?
You're the MAN NORM!!!!

My "Turd" has been running great all weekend! Dang my butt hurts!

I sold some guitars I wasn't playin' & some guns I wasn't shoot'n so that I could build another one; (bigger, stronger, faster). The addiction has begun!

The only thing that has gone wrong with the bike this weekend is the rear reflector fell off. I usually don't ride busy streets, but today is Sunday so what the heck! I found out that 27th Ave is especially bumpy, most of the major streets are because they're always working on the streets: tinkering & fixing.

Not sure if this is usual: the petcock is right at the tank. If I don't ride for a few days , the fuel in line has dropped about 1 inch. So the fuel drained into the carb..I'd like to put another petcock where the fuel line enters the carb. Has anyone noticed this drainage prob, and moved or added another pc?

There is a "shut off" inside your carb already...the float shut off valve.
Your "leaking" may be caused by this not sealing completely. I would't worry about it if it only leaks that much.
I found out that 27th Ave is especially bumpy, most of the major streets are because they're always working on the streets: tinkering & fixing.


If they ever just fiinished 'em, they would be out of work....
empty 55 gallon drums, man that will take some work to mix up and fill!rotfl
You don't REALLY want that kind of polish do Ya?
Well the sand man is pounding sand in my A@@ I mean eyes so the old Rufus cat and I had better get to bed getting one year older is starting to wear me out.

turd polish what will they think of next? chrome pee?

Smoothe if you would put a seat on the seat post I bet your butt would stop hurting!rotfl

Just kidding it going down hill and I'm a moderator and not supposed to let this kind of thing happen:( nighty nite you all out there in murderbicycle land and good nite Johnboy.
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Good one Norman. :-{

It's 1:30 in the morning, just got back from my second build at the fabricator's shop. I'm glad I've been around enough to get some good-natured ribbing from the mods.

There's a softer seat on this one.
A few thousand bucks?? Are ya going to plate the parts in gold? I went to Caswell Plating's website and got some ideas for my next build. Having a motor that looks good on our bikes is almost as important as one that works good.

I parked my bike at a rack at a grocery store next to another bike with one of these engines. It really looked like crap all greasy and oily. It had rusted spots and a broken petcock handle. Looked disgraceful next to my clean black painted motor.