Leaky carb? Please help.


New Member
So my chinese engine was starting and working well for about a week, but recently it has been difficult to start. I have to prime the carb, loosen the gas cap, and put the choke at about half, and then it takes about 5 tries to start. The real concerning problem is that the carb leaks gas profusely after the engine initially runs for about 5 minutes and dies. The leak comes from the black plastic part of the carb (possibly from the bottom air holes?), and it seems to leak out about 6-8 oz of gas each time. Does anyone know what's going on here? I have read the thread regarding "rebuilding a carb," and I think I may have to seal the carb with the stuff called "RTV". Any help would be appreciated.

Yes, sound's like the float level is to high. The float determine's the amount of fuel inside the bowl of the carb. To low and the motor will starve for fuel, to high the motor will bog down with fuel or fuel will exit threw the air cleaner or the hole's as your's is.

RTV: Silicon gasket maker

Give me a few minutes, I think Norm did a awesome post on adjusting the float; need to find it.

Here are some pic's of RTV. You can pick it up at any auto parts store


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i think maybe the vibration from the motor, together with the thin gauge float arm may cause the arm to bend down a little over time. i have adjusted mine 2 times in almost two months time. but it has always ran pretty well. i might add that each time,(after several adjustments) i improved the condition, but never got rid of the leak completly. also ride on some bumpy tar & chip country roads, which could also cause lots of problems.
a fuel filter is important its the first line defence of trash getting in the floats needle/seat. a lot of leaking carb problems is due to trash in the tank getting to the carb when no filter is used.
Regarding the fuel filter, I purchased one from a local toro engine dealer. It's basically a plastic housing with a screen inside, so I question if this was enough? Is there a better filter you recommend?
a paper filter they are sold at walmart in the lawn and garden area about $3.00 to $4.00 this will stop the nasties.
I found out that my engine was flooding because my float turned into a sink. So I cut down a MOET cork in the size of the OEM part and was back on the road.

After a 20min ride, a quick check of the spark plug discovered it was over fueling, so I backed the notch on the carb needle. Another ride around the same test track, recheck the plug, a lot better burn. A little more torque.