KTM Boardtrack Motorcycle


Active Member
Say could I have a couple minutes of your time. Please check out Hazan Motorworks supercharged KTM motorcycle on www.bikeexifcom. Culver City Classics once built a water cooled KTM dyno I believe that was very powerful, he sold it not to long ago. There is also a brief description of the first motorized bicycle Max Hazan built. Thank you.
Thanks for telling me the link is not working and correcting that. This morning I thought it was an interesting build. The write up sort of reminded me of the reporter who wrote about Gilbert's board track build in his thread: My Bike in an Article.
Zean, Max Hazan's build is great as is Gilbert's. I spent 20 minutes reading and examining Max's build this morning and I'd already read and viewed the article previously. Just as beautiful the second time around. Rick C.
I am a big fan of Hazan's builds, he is a local and keep missing him at events. I guess some day we will run into each other, I think I have called him out for a race on instagram...lol